The 23rd US Yee Fung Toy Association Convention

The World Yee Web Committee at the Convention



The Web Committee at the Convention

The 23rd US Yee Family Association Convention was the best one that members of the World Yee Web Committee have ever attended. The reason is simple: one of our members and the Committee Regional Secretary for US East, Frank Yee, is a co-chair of the Convention Organizing Committee. The Convention has been a great success. The Web Committee can also claim it has made its best showing at a Convention.

We did a lot of preparations for the Convention. We decided to produce a Committee Report highlighting the accomplishments since the last Convention in 2006. This report included a Chairman’s Report, a Treasurer’s Report, and a History of the YFT Web Project. The Chinese translations of the reports were first delivered to Grand Elder John M. Yee in Phoenix for review. The final draft was then forwarded to Frank to print in NYC and have copies ready for the Convention delegates.

The information from the Committee Report was condensed into a Powerpoint presentation of 16 slides that could be delivered in less than 20 minutes. The problem was finding a suitable time slot in the busy Convention schedule. We only found out on arrival at the Convention hotel on August 8 that our presentation is scheduled between 8 and 10 AM the next day. After dinner we sat in David's hotel room and made final revisions while Fred and David rehearsed their bilingual presentation. The next day Frank got hold of a projector and screen while we were having breakfast, and everything was in place while we waited for the two Grand Presidents to present their opening reports. Then Grand Advisor James Yee introduced the Web Committee, and the presentation was on. It was done by 10:00, just in time before the buses took us to the next venue (the Yee Fong Toy Association in Chinatown).

We had also planned to have a meeting of the members attending the Convention. As all of us were attending as official delegates for our respective chapters, it was difficult to schedule a meeting time between the full days of Convention meetings and the evenings of Convention dinners. Eventually on the final day, after the last Convention meeting concluded, we had time to sit down for an hour before dinner. The discussion focused on helping chapters maintain their websites. Rudy volunteered to write it up (see "So you want to make a Yee Fung Toy website for your chapter?")

We are looking forward to attending the next US Yee Convention to be held in 2012, especially since Fred Yee, our Committee Vice Chair, will be heading the Organizing Committee in Seattle.


Jim Yee, Web Committee Chairman

So you want to make a Yee Fung Toy website for your chapter?

1. Do you want to host it independently or on the World YFT National server?

 Dependently on the World YFT server

Seattle YFT Homepage

Phoenix YFT Home Page

• No Programming Experience necessary.

• Inexpensive

• Martin and Jim are available for help

• Auto linked to page

• Limited design

Independently-such as Shutterfly:

Sacramento YFT Home Page  Cleveland YFT Home Page

• Some Programming Experience required

• Free

• Must send link to World/National YFT

• Customizable

Other Independently run YFT web sites-such as Southern California, Houston, Boston and Detroit:

• These Chapters have their own webmasters.

• Design and add their own contents

• Linked to most if not all of the current YFT web sites

                  California YFT Home Page

Note: The New England YFT Chapter was using Geocities to host their web page for many years, however, Geocities/Yahoo! has announced that they will be ending their free website program on October 26, 2009, the New England chapter's website have now moved to a new home as of September 13th, 2009.

Detroit YFT Home Page

2. Once you decide which road you will use to get your site up and all you need to do is add content.

• If you are hosting your site through the World YFT server, all you need to do is send your articles, pictures, recipes and news updates to Jim Yee or Martin Yee of Vancouver.

• If you are hosting your own site through a host (i.e. then you need to choose your site format and design and then just add your content and ta da! Your local YFT website is setup.

• Web committee conference calls are held on a regular basis every other month to brainstorm new ideas and discuss quarterly reports.

• Content from each local chapter is based on the chapter’s discretion but items can be absorbed at a World/National level for posting on the World/National site.

Content suggestions:

• Chinese culture

• YFT culture

• Food recipes

• Pictures

• Local news and events

• Youth corner—Youth league

• Upcoming events

• Chapter officers

• Living section—how to

• Ladies Section---Women league

Any questions? Contact Jim Yee, Martin Yee or David M. Yee.

Rudy Yee, President, Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Family Association
September 04, 2009