金猴財寶迎新歲 蟠桃獻瑞歡樂年Year of the


Announcement of 2016 Events


加拿大余風采總分堂謹定於二零一六年三月十九日(星期六) 中午十二時在本堂禮堂舉行慶祝加拿大余風采總堂第 112 週年紀念典禮暨春節聯歡同日下午六時假座華埠富大酒家設宴聯歡統請男女宗人踴躍參加。


  • 堂員每位 25
  • 非堂員每位 30
  • 小童 10 歲以下(本人或家長是堂員)每位 15
  • 獎學金學生每位 15
  • 盡足義務 65 歲以上耆英堂員每位 15

售票日期: 三月六日 至三月十三日 下午 12 時 至 4

地點﹕ 余風采堂


在購票時將同時收取 2016 年度總堂堂員年費一元,分堂堂員年費三元,今年第十七屆懇親大會在卡加利舉行的懇親費五元,每人合共九元。

此致 各宗親會員

Annual Spring Banquet

March 19 - Saturday: celebrate Lunar New year of the Monkey and our annual Spring Banquet (6:00 PM at the Floata Seafood Restaurant, 180 Keefer Street, Vancouver).

Please purchase your tickets (on sale daily from 12:00 noon to 4:00 PM March 6th to March 13th) and please renew your membership (Canada HQ and Vancouver Chapter) and convention dues at the same time.

2014-2015 School year scholarships will be awarded.



拜祭先僑完畢後回堂所。下午十二時在堂所舉行溫哥華余風采堂堂員週年大會,凡我堂員均希依時出席参加。散會後, 大家共分享胙肉及自助餐。


Ching Ming Festival

Members of the Yee Fung Toy of Vancouver and their family and friends are invited to the annual Ching Ming memorial service on Sunday, March 27th at 11 am at the Mountainview Cemetery.

After the ceremony, we all will head back to the Society Hall for our Annual General members AGM meeting,

Followed by a buffet lunch.



報名由五月二十二日起至五月二十八日 (請在下午四時後致電)

查詢 : 604-435-9411


Seniors First Half of Year 2016 Birthday Luncheon

Please join us for the Seniors (January - June) birthday luncheon at the Floata Seafood Restaurant in Chinatown at noon on Tuesday, May 31st.

For details, please Contact Shirley: 604-435-9411.

(registration between May 22 - May 28) Please call after 4:00pm, thank you!


加拿大余風采總堂定於 六月十一日(星期六)中午十二時,在該堂禮堂內慶祝始祖余靖忠襄公寶誕,祭祖儀式完畢後,並設自助小食午餐。


查詢 : 604-684-3074


Ancestor Yee Jing Celebration

Please join us for the Ancestor Yee Jing celebration at 12 noon on June 11th, follow by a light lunch buffet.

For details, please Contact : 604-684-3074.

We also celebrate the 60th wedding anniversary of Advisor Dick Yee.


全加余風采堂定期 2016 年 7 月 29 日至 8 月 1 日 在卡加利舉行。詳情請閱覧 calgary.yeefungtoy.org


The Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada National Convention

The 17th Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada National Convention will be held in Calgary from July 29 and August 1, 2016. The convention planning committee in Calgary has posted details on their website calgary.yeefungtoy.org. All those interested in attending should follow the instructions there to register. .


溫哥華余風采堂、溫哥華馬氏宗親會謹定於八月十四日(星期日)再次攜手合辦夏日一日遊。 今年遊覽景點包括著名的「哈里遜温泉」(Harrison Hot Spring)。

集合時間:8:45 am
集合地点:名閣大酒樓 3432 Lougheed Highway

一日遊 ($25.-)

午餐或晚餐 可選擇 參與或不
午餐 (德國咸豬手) $20.00
晚餐 (名閣酒樓) $29.00




Vancouver's Yees and Mahs 2016 Day Trip

August 14 - Sunday: - Please join us for a Yee-Mah Day Trip to Harrison Hot Springs and other scenic locations.

Bus Boarding Time: 8:45am. Bus leaves around 9:00am. (don't be late).
Bus boarding at the Happy Valley Seafood Restaurant
3432 Lougheed Highway

For details, please contact Mrs. Shui Chi: 604-434-2779.

Bus seats are limited, please register early, thank you!

Bus trip - $25

Lunch and dinner are optional.
Lunch "Schweinshaxe" Ham hock - $20.
Dinner at Happy Valley Seafood Restaurant - $29 per person.

秋祭 - 山景墓園拜祭先僑

溫哥華余風采堂定於十月八日(星期六)上午十一時在山景墓園祭壇舉行秋祭。 其後返回堂所享用自助午餐。

查詢電話: 604-684-3074


Fall Memorial Service

Members of the Yee Fung Toy of Vancouver and their family and friends are invited to the annual Fall Memorial Service on Saturday, October 8th at 11 am at the Mountainview Cemetery.

For more details, please contact the Hall@ 604-684-3074



報名由十月八日起至十月十六日 (請在下午四時後致電)

查詢 : 604-435-9411


Seniors Second Half of Year 2016 Birthday Luncheon

Please join us for the Seniors (July - December) birthday luncheon at the Floata Seafood Restaurant in Chinatown at noon on Tuesday, October 18th.

For details, please Contact Shirley: 604-435-9411.

(registration between October 8 - October 16) Please call Shirley after 4:00pm, thank you!


溫哥華余風采堂為鼓勵堂員子女勤奮學習,將在二○一七年春節聯歡宴會時向成績優異生頒發獎學金, 申請者必須是本堂盡足義務堂員(必須辦妥入堂)就讀四年級至大專院校成績優良而繼續升學者。堂員子女皆可申請。

查詢 : 604-684-3074


Scholarship Application

Vancouver YFT Scholarship Applications will be accepted starting October 1 and must be received at the offices of the Society by December 31.

For details, please visit our Scholarship Application web page below.


Last updated on 2016-09-19