Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Family Association 2022 (Year of the Tiger) News Update
斐匿余風采堂 2022 年活動及文章

Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Association 2022 Officers





洛杉磯文教中心主任陳敏永夫婦偕副主任鄭心茹四月廿三日(星期六)上午在僑聯總會副主席王瑞瑾、僑務委員吳玟瑞、僑務諮詢委員高志中、 邱順雄等陪同下到訪斐匿余風采堂,受到了斐匿余風采堂理事會錦添主席等宗親們熱烈歡迎。

當日陳主任除了拜會斐匿余風采堂外,還有合勝堂鳳凰城支堂及斐匿鄧高密公所,同時也安排拜訪康樂大廈,各僑團均安排專人接待,對於陳主任等一行專程到訪表 示由衷感謝。

陳敏永主任拜會各僑團時表示,過去兩年囿於新冠肺炎疫情,僑界活動均改為線上舉行,本次為抵任首度拜訪亞利桑納州僑界, 洛僑中心服務海外鄉親不分黨派、種族、宗教,凡是支持自由民主中華民國臺灣,都是洛僑中心 服務對象。未來將秉持服務精神,期盼與傳統僑社保持更為緊密互動與連結。

陳主任並特別準備臺灣烏龍茶葉禮盒作為伴手禮致贈各公所。拜會結束後,陳主任等一行應邀與僑聯總會、傳統僑社代表、鳳凰城榮光會、 亞利桑納州立大學及亞利桑納大學臺灣同學會( UA ATSA、ASU ATSA)代表及會員共約四十人餐敘,並藉此機會介 紹文教中心業務及僑委會近期政策,並期望各僑團未來能持續協助僑務工作。

Photos courtesy of OCAC.

僑務電子報 斐匿余風采堂訊

Taipei Director Ben M.Y. Chen To Build Positive Relationships With Valley Chinese Family Associations






Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office Director Ben M.Y. Chen recently made a special trip to the Valley (Phoenix) on Saturday, April 23 and visited several Chinese Family Associations. Assisting him on the visit was his wife and Deputy Director Hsin Ju (Ruthie) Cheng.

Director Chen's first visit was with the Phoenix Ong Ko Met Association and its members. He was shown photos of Ong Ko Met's military veterans and the Wall of Fame where Ongs such as Walter Ong and Wing F. Ong helped build the Family Association and their contribution as Chinese in the growth of Phoenix. Ong Ko Met Vice President John Tang also made Director Chen an honorary member of the Chinese United Association of Greater Phoenix by presenting him an Association shirt as a memento of his Phoenix visit.

Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Assn officers and members welcomed Director Chen at their association headquarters on 16th Street. Director Chen viewed the many awards and photos of achievements that the organization had accomplished through the years under the impressive leadership of the late John M. Yee. "I am very supportive of the work that the Family Chinese Associations has done for the Chinese Community here in the Valley," said Director Chen.

"If there is any way I can help the Chinese Community I am willing to do so and will personally participate in your charity work in the future. I want to build a positive relationship with your associations with the Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural office in Los Angeles."

John Tang

Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Association 2022 Officers Updated


Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Association Events Announcement


Yee Family Picnic Successful Fun








The Yee Picnic was a success and fun for all members, family, friends that was held last Sunday for the first time at Indian Steel Park. About 120 people showed up for the event and it’s been 2 years that the Yee Family have had the festivities cancelled because of COVID.

You didn’t get hungry for this picnic because everyone enjoyed picnic food such as grilled hamburgers, hotdogs, fried chicken and Chinese dishes for everyone. Lucy Ross and her team made sure everyone had plenty to eat. She said, “The food at the picnic made everyone happy and it was important that we fed all the families and the many kids that showed up.”

All the kids were all smiles as each received a prized toy to enjoy, a water balloon fight, and fishing at the nearby lake. A raffle organized by Fred and Paul Yee was won by many individuals attending the picnic and everyone took home a prize.

National Yee Fung Toy Western Grand President Kenny Yee, his wife Phillis and son Joshua drove from Los Angeles to attend the Yee picnic: “I am honored to be in here in Phoenix for this special occasion and be with my Yee family and friends”, said Kenny Yee. “My relationship with the Yee Family here is very important to me and I will help them with anything they need here in the Valley.”

It's been a couple of years that COVID did away with the Yee Fung Toy Family Picnic and now it is back for everyone to enjoy. The late John M. Yee was the person who created the Yee picnic and it was he who said it was time to get the whole Chinese Community together and enjoy each other’s company and talk about the latest family news.

John Tang

人月團圓 賞花賞秋香








疫情兩年後,斐匿余風采堂秋遊活動終於又恢複舉行。九月十一日約一百二十人聚集「斯蒂爾印 第安人學校公園」 - Steele Indian School Park 踏秋野炊。




亞省時報 鄧賀錚攝影報導、阿鳴 John Tang 攝影

Copyright ©2004-2022 The Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Family Association. All rights reserved. Information subject to change without notice. Last updated on 2022-09-19.