Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Family Association 2021 (Year of the Ox) News Update
斐匿余風采堂 2021 年活動及文章



二○二○年的鼠年被標記為“不平凡的一年”。由於新冠病毒( COVID 19)疫情的持續,為了保護大家的健康並遵守亞利桑那州州 長的命令, 鳳凰城余風采堂的二○二○年秋季和冬季大部分活動都被取消以保障大家的健康。 至於秋季的野餐和鳳凰城余風采堂青年活動將會推遲,並在政府取消限制後重新安排。

二○二一年一月,我們的資深元老余文勁先生(在華人社區中眾所周知的 John 叔叔)的突然去世標誌著我們分會歷史上最悲傷的時刻。



二○二一年六月五日星期六中午十二點,鳳凰城余風采堂在六福洒樓舉辦了“聚在一起”點心午餐會和發放我們的年度青年獎學金獎。超過一百二十名余氏青年及親 友出席午宴。 一些桌子坐了十四至十五位年輕人和余氏家族成員。與會的客人和家人在餐桌上非常享受彼此的團契,因為我們已經一年多沒有見面了。

出席午宴的嘉賓有美西總長余國恩先生和夫人 Phyllis, 還有他們的小兒子 Joshua

當美味的點心上桌時,本堂副會長余美蓮女士擔任主持人並開始了節目。本堂秘書長余捷夫先生致開幕詞和開場祈禱。主席余錦添先生致敬歡迎並感謝所有出席的客 人和家人。 余錦添主席還介紹了本堂的最新情況。隨後,余錦添主席和鳳凰城余風采堂全體幹部向全場敬酒以示感謝, 並祝愿大家二○二一年身體健康、萬事如意。

然後是青年獎學金計劃。 Betty Yee 女士和她的團體成員宣布並頒發了青年獎學金給他們的獲獎者。獎學金頒發給三個不同的群體—小學、初中和高中生。 Makayla Yue Alissa Dong Carson Yue 是獎學金的得奬者。祝賀這些學者和他們的家人。做得好!做得更好!

午宴在余捷夫先生的祝福中落下帷幕,祝大家“身體健康,萬事如意,二○二一年萬事如意”。 大家注意安全,二○二二年再見!


Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Association Youth Event


2020, the Year of the Rat was marked as an “extraordinary year” to say the least. Due to the continued COVID 19 Pandemic, and in order to protect everyone’s health and to follow the order of the State of Arizona Governor’s order, most of the 2020 Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Association Fall and Winter events and Activities were canceled to protect everyone’s health. The annual fall PYFT Youth Activity which is usually a picnic was postponed due to the Az Governor’s order and was rescheduled when the Government lifted the restriction.

In January 2021 the unexpected passing of our Grand Elder John M Yee (reverently known as "Uncle John" to all in the local Chinese community) marked the saddest time in our chapter's history.

In March 2021, our annual spring banquet and ancestral ceremony were both canceled due to the continued COVID 19 Pandemic.

In Late May and early June, group gathering and mask mandate was lifted in our State of Arizona and the restaurants started to open up.

On Saturday, June 5, 2021, twelve noon at the Great Wall Restaurant, the Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Association held our annual Youth Scholarship Award and a PYFT Youth Activity “get together” Dim Sum Luncheon. Over 120 of Yee Clan’s youth and friends and families attended the luncheon. Some tables were seated with 14 -15 youngsters and Yee clan members.

The attended guests and families really enjoyed their fellowship with each other at the tables because we have not seen each other for over a year. The President of Western Grand Region Kenny Yee and his wife Phyllis and their young son Joshua were among the guests attended the PYFT Youth Activity luncheon.

While the delicious dim sum items were being served, the Association’s Vice President Brenda Yee Fung was the MC and began the program. The Association’s Secretary Jack Yee gave opening remarks and an opening prayer. President Tim Yee welcome, announced and acknowledged all the attended guests and families. President Tim also gave an update of the Association matters. Then President Tim and all the Association’s Officers gave a toast to the audience as a token of appreciations and wished everyone to have a healthy and prosperous 2021.

Then followed by the Youth Scholarship Awards program. Mrs. Betty Yee and her fellow Woman’s club members announced and awarded the Youth Scholarship to their recipients. The Scholarships were awarded to three different groups- elementary, junior high and high schoolers. Makayla Yue, Alissa Dong and Carson Yue are among the scholarship recipients. Congratulations to the Scholars and their families. Good job! Well done!

The Luncheon was ended with Jack Yee gave the benediction and wish everyone “Good Health, Best Wishes and Prosperous 2021”. Everyone stay safe and see you all back in 2022!

Respectfully reported by Brenda Yee Fung
Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Association Vice President



John M. Yee - Remembrance

Please click on image or here to view PDF file.


Copyright ©2004-2021 The Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Family Association. All rights reserved. Information subject to change without notice. Last updated on 2021-09-20.