Phoenix Yee Family 17th Anniversary Celebration

On April 29, 2006 all area Yee’s gathered at the Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Association Building to celebrate the 17th Anniversary of the completion of the Yee Fung Toy Association building. 

  A ceremonial service of thanks giving in memory of our virtuous ancestors began promptly at high noon.   Over 100 fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, aunties, and uncles rose in reverent memory to pay homage to our supreme ancestor Yee Chung Sheung.   The service was traditional and dignified. 

  After the service, the Yee members enjoyed a delicious buffet lunch prepared by the Phoenix Yee Family Woman’s Department.    These hard working ladies presented a delicious assortment of entrees, dim sum, “Hom/Hem” Chinese and American pastries and yummy desserts.    

In accordance with the custom of the Home Village, Heung Ha, each Yee celebrant received a portion of roast pig….for a “little piece of home”.    A total of six roast pigs were provided by the Association and individual Yee members.


yee Fung Toy


Picture of the John M. Yee (HQ Elder), Phoenix Yee Officers and advisors at the 17th Anniversary Celebration

 and traditional Yee ancestor ceremony held at the Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Association building

The 17th Anniversary Celebration was filled with Happy Yee’s as they shared a good time and great food!!


斐匿余風采堂舉行堂慶會 宗親奉獻金豬六頭祭祖


【斐匿亞省時報57日登出】本埠余風采堂于四月 二十九日,在堂所舉行購置樓業第十七周年慶會。是日天時溫和,叔伯嬸母,兄弟姐妹和親友等,近二百人參加,興高采烈。


正午 十二時祭祖開 始,行禮如儀,奉獻金豬祭祖者,有余文勁,余文偉,余文澤,余俊傑夫人,余錦豪,另由該堂自備一只,共有六頭金豬祭祖。禮成后設有豐富布菲餐餉眾。


節目 最吸引人的是 依家鄉俗習,每家分派胙肉(燒豬)一條。人人午餐飽后,笑嘻嘻的領份燒豬回家,慶會在歡樂的氣氛中結束。


