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Issue 21 2009/12/15



世界余氏宗親總會第四屆(2010 年)懇親大會





                    2009 FTM Issue Cover  FTM
                    Autumn 2009 Issue Contents    










世界余氏宗親總會主辦及馬來西亞余氏總會、雪隆余氏公會協辦的「世界余氏宗親總會第四屆懇親大會」將於明年(2010)3 月 24 日(星期三)至 25 日(星期四)在吉隆坡,馬來西亞舉辦。 活動流程表,報名須知的詳情及懇親大會報名表請在世界余氏宗親總會網站參閱。


二零零九年轉瞬又將過去,進入十二月,到處都充斥著祥和的聖誕歌聲,如今聖誕節不管在哪,都會很熱鬧啊! 在此祝願各位聖誕及新年帶給你無邊的幸福、如意和快樂。


最後,希望「風采電子季刊」能繼續為余氏宗親們服務,更感謝各分堂的投稿人士努力協助、支持和包涵,供給文章、相片、和社論。 特別是以下(這期)人士的貢獻:

  • 香港余氏宗親會主席余健倫先生、余華軸先生。
  • 加拿大温哥華余風采堂的余柏寧先生、余金星先生、余榮燊先生。
  • 美國斐匿余風采堂的余文澤先生、余長全先生、余偉虹女士。
  • 美國紐英崙余風采堂的余厚利先生、余定邦先生、余超群先生、余芷筠女士。
  • 美國二埠余風采堂的余李慕蓮女士、余庭穩先生。




( 二零零九年七月一日 至 二零一一年六月卅日 )
主席: 健倫。
副主席: 紹凱、余渠、華軸。
監督: 柏齡。
副監督: 潤樑。
司庫: 海虎。
稽核: 伯威。
委員: 樹泉、啟超、級石、松德、錫年、錦相、憲民、炳湜、庭洛。
顧問: 康權、燊茂、耀堂。
海外顧問: 文勁、習文、杰民、維慶、祝佑、根洙、錫儒。
法律顧問: 銳超。

月圓人團聚 洪慧珠處長參加余風采堂中秋節聯歡

九月二十日,紐英崙余風采堂在公所內舉行中秋節聯歡,五十多位宗親齊聚一堂。 新任中華民國駐波士頓經濟文化辦事處洪慧珠處長在副處長鍾麗文女士和僑教中心主任簡許邦先生陪同下與 余族宗親一起慶祝中秋佳節。 上午十一時五十分,洪處長一行凖時到達余風采堂,受到仕昂元老、超群總長、厚利主席、積堯副主席及各顧問、職員、 宗親的熱烈歡迎。


余風采堂舉行簡單而隆重的歡迎儀式。 首先由元老、總長、主席帶領全體起立向余氐先祖忠襄公遺像上香行三鞠躬禮。 厚利主席致歡迎詞,指出慶祝中秋節的意義在於月圓人團聚。 洪處長剛到波士頓立刻密集拜訪各僑社,帶來中華民國政府對僑胞的關懷,也預示洪處長今後將會和僑界融合成一體。 厚利主席並興奮地說,人才最重要,見到洪處長既年輕又幹練,中華民國的前景將是一片光明。 並祝洪處長今後工作順利, 生活愉快。

簡主任以老朋友的身份被邀請首先致詞介紹洪處長跟各宗親認識,並任臨時的國、粵語翻譯員。 洪處長和鍾副處長在致詞時均感謝主人的熱情接待,祝在座各人中秋節快樂,並代表中華民國政府對各僑胞致以節日的祝賀。 洪處長首次到訪余風采堂,尊循習俗致送香油一份,厚利主席代表各宗親表達感激之意。

仕昂元老、超群總長、積堯副主席亦先後致詞,歡迎客人到訪,賓主並合影留念。 余風采堂準備了豐盛的午餐接待客人及各宗親,各人都盡興享用美食。 可惜三位客人的拜訪行程緊密,只能逗留四十分鐘即告別離開,賓主互道珍重再見。


中華公所主席何遠光夫婦、財政梁永基先生稍後亦到場致意,受到各宗親的熱烈歡迎。 聯歡會直到下午三時才在各人的歡笑聲中結朿。


慶祝建樓九十周年 耆英獲派紅包 余紹賢堂晚宴敬老兼賀中秋

余紹賢堂慶祝建樓九十周年暨中秋、敬老聯歡宴會九月廿七日晚假華埠會賓樓酒家盛大舉行。 該堂顧問育涓、祝佑、春焯、臻發、余風采總堂主席允仁、副主席振兆、顧問樹勛等首長,及余氏耆英、昆仲等逾三百人參加盛會, 共聚一堂敬老聯歡共渡中秋佳節,筵開三十席場面溫馨熱鬧。


主席煦鴻致歡迎詞,感謝各位抽空來臨參加這項每年一度的盛會。他表示,每逢佳節倍思親, 回顧先賢艱苦創業,留下豐厚財富,建樓為余紹賢堂昆仲提供活動場所,創下穩固根基。 我們應承先啓後,繼往開來,再創豐績。 今日在此,我們慶祝中國傳統中秋節,中秋月圓人更圓,同時敬老活動也顯本堂優良美德, 所以今晚本堂向七十歲以上耆英派發紅包,七十歲以上耆英派發六十元, 八十歲以上派發八十元,九十歲以上派發一百元。祝福各位長者身體健康,長壽安康。



是晚出席盛會的還有: 余紹賢堂西文書記武良、副書記堯沛、核數華強、錦標、前主席修德, 列位首長夫人及余氏昆仲等,特別是年邁八十歲以上的長者或坐着輪椅的耆英也前來慶祝,場面感人。



九月廿七日,美國二埠余風采堂舉行二零零九年度獎學金。 頒發典禮在當天中午祭祖以後在本堂大廳舉行,今年共有十二位品學兼優的學生獲獎, 他(她)們分別來自小學、初中、高中及大學二年級,另外還有八名學生獲得 勉勵獎,中文學校亦有四位學生獲得助學獎金。

本堂正副主席汝晃、樹雄,總顧問緒揚、振權,顧問國平、國湛、汝韶均參加頒獎儀式,大會由中文書記庭穩主持, 汝晃主席講話熱烈祝賀全體獲獎的學子,勉勵他們再接再勵,取得更大進步,以回報宗親昆仲的祈望, 為社會及華人爭光,典禮結束,全體學子與本堂主席、顧問領導一齊照相留念。

隨後,本堂備有月餅,糕點、炒麵及豐富食品為全體昆仲約二百多人舉行中秋節會午餐; 晚上六時,又假座本埠麗寶樓酒家舉行盛大的晚宴,筵開二十席,到會的昆 仲嬸姆叔伯歡聚一堂,合家團圓,共渡中秋佳節。



為加強對省級文物保護單位荻海名賢余忠襄公祠(風采堂)的保護管理,使這個中西合璧的建築藝術瑰寶世代相傳, 荻海名賢余忠襄公祠理事會暨管理委員會於二零零九年九月廿九日在開平荻海風采堂揭牌成立。 開平市委常委黃繼燁熱情接待了回鄉參加揭牌儀式的香港余氏宗長余健倫一行。 開平市政協副主席余明達等有關領導及香港、開平余氏宗親共三十多人參加了揭牌儀式。 

在掛牌儀式上,余明達高度讚揚了余氏宗親在風采堂保護修繕、捐資辦學等公益事業方面所做出的貢獻, 並代表開平市委、市政府分別向香港余氏宗親團體、僑領余健倫先生頒發了 "2009 年尊師重教先進單位" 牌匾和 "2008-2009 學年度開平市尊師重教先進個人" 證書。 荻海名賢余忠襄公祠理事會首屆理事長余健倫、荻海名賢余忠襄公祠首屆管理委員會主任余伯齡分別代表荻海名賢余忠襄公祠理 事會、 管理委員會作講話,表示會繼續支持開平的公益事業。

當天,香港余氏宗親團體還向開平風采中學頒發了 "香港余風采堂五堂會獎教獎學金",為《風采月刊》社開平辦事處進行了揭牌。

《江門日報》2009-10-9 日 唐華吳就良


鳳凰城的斐匿余風采堂於二零零九年十一月一日中午,在 Encanto 公園舉辦了一年一度的余氏宗親聯誼郊游聚餐活動。有二百多的余氏宗親及小朋友参加,Encanto 公園是鳳凰城最大的和主要的城市公園,它位於市中心的西北。


大家除了享用豐富的中西式午餐包括西蘭花炒牛肉、炒麵、叉燒、Churches 炸雞、熱狗、斐匿余風采堂副主席余文澤及 Francis Woo 精心調配的墨西哥辣牛肉及各種豆子煮熬的美味辣羹,胡蘿蔔蛋糕,飲品包括礦泉水及汽水外, 緊接的郊游活動最精彩的部分是幸運大抽獎, 場面溫馨熱鬧。獎品包括由余文勁元老捐贈的中國食品和小孩子的玩具等。




這次的聯誼郊游聚餐活動,余氏宗親大小朋友都玩得很開心。 大家覺得郊游聚餐活動每年已變得更大和更好。 希望明年的郊游聚餐活動更加成功。

斐匿余風采堂 余自任報導

火雞香 選舉味 紐英崙余風采堂熱鬧慶祝感恩節

紐英崙余風采堂今年選在十一月十五日提前慶祝感恩節。 適逢今年紐英崙中華公所職員選舉進入白熱化的階段,參選的兩組人馬幾乎全員到齊參加余風采堂的聚會, 使節慶活動的現塲也成了選舉活動的戰塲。原定中午十二時開始的慶祝活動,客人凖時到達, 余風采堂高層人員熱情地歡迎客人,工作人員也忙碌地凖備火雞大餐。直至十二時三十分,慶祝儀式才正式開始。


來賓包括現任中華公所主席何遠光先生、競選下一任中華公所主席的本族傑出宗親余麗瑛及其競選團隊、 另一位競選下一任中華公所主席的梁永基及其競選團隊。主持聚會的厚利主席特別安排了現任中華公所主席及 兩位主席參選人先後講話。 客人感謝余風采堂的盛情接待並祝賀大家節日快樂,參選人也發表了簡短的政見。 梁永基強調對社區的承諾,表示當選後必將盡全力服務社區。 余麗瑛則重申她一貫堅持的公正、公平、公開的處事原則,為華埠的繁榮進歩貢獻心力。


厚利主席及仕昂元老亦先後致詞答謝客人的光臨,稱許各參選者均是華埠的精英, 無論誰人當選都是僑社的福氣,並哀心地祝福各參選人。


今天出席的宗親很多,公所預備了三隻大火雞,很多婦女還帶來家製食物。 各宗親和客人圍坐在一起品嘗火雞大餐,氣氛融洽。


今天最受注目的宗親是達明律師,他最近被麻省省長任命為華人居民佔三份之一的昆士市的地方法院法官, 成為麻省有史以來第二位華裔法官,將於十一月十六日上任視事。 客人及宗親均紛紛上前致賀,並凖備參加日後由省長為其主持的公開宣誓儀式。 余風采堂亦準備舉行盛大的慶祝會,並聯合其他僑團及社區人士在報紙上刋登全頁的祝賀廣告。


今天的活動非常緊湊。餐後立刻召開族務會議,並舉行 2010 年度職員選舉提名。 會議後緊接着是婦女組的活動。



下一期的風采電子季刊將在二零一零年三月中出版,報導「各地余風采堂舉行新一屆職員就職儀式」及新年聯歡為主題。 歡迎大家投稿。 稿件需在二零一零年二月十五日前經電郵 (editor @ 或郵寄 (風采電子季刊, 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6A 1Z7) 到本刊編輯收。


In this Issue:

Message from the Editor

The World Yee Family Association 4th (2010) International Convention

Yee Chung-sheung Ancestor Hall Opening Ceremony

Reports from Yee Fung Toy Chapters

What is in the Next Issue?

Message from the Editor

Welcome to the 21st issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice, an electronic newsletter for the World Yee community. In this issue we are featuring stories and images of autumn activities from associations of the Yee Fung Toy around the world, including celebrations of the Mid-autumn Festival, Chung Yang Festival, Thanksgiving and Scholarship awards.

The 4th World Yee Convention is scheduled for March 24th - March 25th, in Malaysia next year, we hope to see you all in Malaysia!

The Yee Jing Ancestor Hall grand opening ceremony is scheduled to take place on March 28th in Kaiping next year also, we hope to see you all there too.

We gratefully acknowledge all the contributors to the current issue, including:

  • David M. Yee, Krystin Yee, Edward Yue and Rudy Yee of Phoenix
  • Henry Yu and Melinda Yee of Sacramento
  • Ho Lee Yee, Winston Yee, Peter Yee and So Yee of New England
  • Kai Yon Yee of Malaysia
  • Martin Yee, Shui Chi Yu, James Yu and Wing Yee of Vancouver
  • Richard Yue, Johnson Yee of Hong Kong
  • Ying Hua Yu and Jerome Yu of Edmonton, Canada

Happy New Year and the best of the season to all!

Jim Yee, Vancouver

New England YFT Celebrated August Moon Festival with Special Guests

On Sunday, September 20, 2009, we celebrated the August Moon Festival in our meeting hall. The ceremony of honoring our ancestor "Chung-Shang Yee" started at 12 noon, led by our Grand Elder, Vice Grand President, Advisers, Presidents and officers, we paid our respect to our ancestor with three bows.

This year, we were very pleased and honored that we had three special guests joining us for this annual event. President Ho-Lee wishes all a happy August Moon Festival. Then he introduced our special guests front Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Boston: The new Directer Ms. Hongghui Zhu (洪慧珠); Deputy Directer Miss Chung (鐘麗文); and the Boston Chinese Cultural Services Center Directer Jan Hui-Bang (簡許邦). Directer Honghui Zhu said that she will continue to promote the relations with the New England region and the Republic of China, to strengthen political, economic and cultural issues and to continue to serving the New England Chinese population.

After various remarks made by Grand Elder Henry, Vice Grand President Peter and President Jack, a lunch buffet was served. Everybody enjoyed the good food and the delicious moon cakes. We had nearly 60 Yee members and friends.

A short time later, the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association President Gilbert Ho, his wife Debbie and the Treasurer Mr.Wing-Ki Leung dropped by to join us to celebrate on this special day.

Peter Yee, New England

Sacramento YFT Celebrated Mid-Autumn Moon Festival

The Yee Fung Toy Association of Sacramento celebrated Mid-Autumn Moon Festival on Sunday, September 27, 2009.

Lunch was served after members paying respects to ancestors at noon. The Yee Fung Toy Association of Sacramento President, Stanley Yee, Vice President Robert Yee, Grand Advisors Tom Hsui Young Yee and Gene K. Yee, Advisors Kwok Ping Yu, John K. Yee and Sherman S. Yee were on hand to award the Scholarships and assistance fund to the qualified members below. Chinese Secretary Henry Yee (Tin Won Yee) emceed this event.

Congratulations to the following scholarship recipients:
Garland Y., Kaitlyn C., Kathrine Y., Garvin Y., Irene Y., Denny Y., Brandon Y., Zhen Joan Y.,Ryan P., Rachel C., Jessie Y., Elizabeth B. Y., Natalie Y., Paco Y., Eddy C., Jamie Y., Edward Y., Michell K., Karlan Y. and Irwin Y.

A General Meeting was held at 2 PM.

Dinner banquet was served at the Rice Bowl Restaurant, 2378 Florin Road, Sacramento.

Melinda Yee, Sacramento

The First Ancestor Hall Council Board is Established

The first Ancestor Hall Council is established on September 29, 2009.

Fengcai Zhongxue (Fung Toy Middle School)

Vancouver YFT Celebrates 2009 Chongyang Festival


Members of the YFT Society of Canada and Vancouver celebrates the Chongyang Festival at 11am on Saturday, October 10 at the Mountainview Cemetery Chinese Pavilion.

Vancouver YFT Vice-Chair and Welfare Committee Director Mr. Steven Yee arranged the ceremony with his group of volunteers, in attendance were YFT Society of Canada Chairman Mr. Kan Yu and Mrs. Kan Yu, Treasurer Mr. Gary Yee and Mrs. Gary Yee, Secretary Wing Yee and Mrs. Wing Yee, Advisor Mr. Dick Yee, YFT Society of Vancouver Vice-Chairman Mr. Steven Yee, Advisor Mr. Waye Yee and his Mrs. Wayne Yee, Youth Committee Chairman Mr. David Yee, Treasurer Martin Yee, Directors Mr. George Yee, Mr. Ping Shang Yu, Mr. Hoy Ching Yee and Phillip Yu of the YFT Society of Vancouver.

After the ceremony is over, we took some group photos. Then we all drove all the way to the YFT House for a hearty and delicious afternoon buffet lunch. Special thanks to Mrs. Benita Lee for donating a roasted Suckling Pig for our ceremony.

Martin Yee, Vancouver

YFT Societies of Canada and Vancouver Welcome Edmonton Guests

34 members and friends of the Yee Fung Toy Society of Edmonton, led by YFT Chairman Frank Yee and Vice-Chair Tin Tao Yee, arrived in Vancouver at noon on Sunday, October 11th. Together we went for dim sum at the King's Chinese Cuisine. Around 4pm, they came to the YFT Society House for a brief visit and a buffet dinner.


On Canada's Thankgiving Day, Monday, October 12, Chairman of the YFT Society of Canada, Mr. Kan Yu and his wife, Chairman of the YFT Society of Vancouver, Jim Yee and his wife, Advisor Wayne Yee and his wife, Youth Chairman, David Yee and Treasurer Martin Yee accompanied the Edmonton guests for a day trip to British Columbia's Weaver Creek Spawning Channel, a man-made extension of Weaver Creek, a spawning habitat for the sockeye salmon. The spawning channel provides a stable flow of clean water that is maintained while the salmon eggs are incubating in the gravel. Peak numbers of fish arrive about October 15, with most spawning activity taking over a 10 day period from October 15 to 25. We were there to see this once a year rare event.

After the tour of the spawning ground, we visited Harrison Hot Springs and the Honeyview Farm, BC's largest Apiary. Members of the YFT Society of Edmonton and their friends purchased their favorite honey with a variety of flower flavors.

For more details in Chinese, please click here.

Martin Yee, Vancouver


The annual 2009 Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Family picnic drew about 200 relatives and friends at Encanto Park Sunday afternoon on November 1, 2009. The weather was great in the mid 70’s and everyone enjoyed both the Western and Chinese foods which include the beef and broccoli, chow mein, and barbeque pork provided by New Hong Kong restaurant and Churches fried chicken. Hot dogs and chili beans cooked by vice president David Yee and Francis Woon. The women auxiliary led by Mary Sing Yee, Gail Yee, Jean Yee, and Lynn Kong served the food. Carrot Cake and soda was also served.





The highlight of the picnic was the raffle drawing. There were toys for children and Chinese food products for the adults donated by grand elder John M. Yee. The beautiful Sunday afternoon provided an enjoyable setting for family members and friends as adults visited and children played at the 2009 Yee picnic. Everyone had a good time. Each year it gets larger and better. We are looking forward for another successful picnic next year. (See pictures)

Eddie Yue, Phoenix

New England YFT Thanksgiving Lunch

On Sunday afternoon, November 15, 2009 the Yee Fung Toy of New England celebrated its Thanksgiving early. President Jimmy HL welcomed all the guests and members who came to celebrate the Thanksgiving.

                  to the welcome speech from President Jimmy

Joining us were Mr. Ho (何遠光), president of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, Mr. Leung Wing-Kay (梁永基), a candidate for president of CCBA for the year of 2010-2011 and his running mates, also presented were Rosemary Yee, a Yee Fung Toy member who is also a candidate for president of CCBA for the year of 2010-2011 and her running mate, Mr. Man-Ho Chan (陳文浩), candidate for CCBA English secretary. President Jimmy HL gave the floor to both candidates to speak of their campaign remarks.

                  Yee giving her campaign remarks

Leung Wing-Kay giving his campaign

Then Thanksgiving Lunch with Turkey and all the trimmings were served around 12:45pm. Thank you to the members cooked three turkeys and many home made drserts. We all had a good time.

From left
                  Paul Yee, Henry Yee

Our long time legal advisor Paul Yee arrived with good news that he will start to preside at the Quincy Court House as the judge on November 16, 2009. We are planning a celebration after his official public ceremony. Congratulation judge Paul Yee. We are very proud of you.

Peter Yee, New England

By the time most of you read this, the old year is history. The next issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice will be published in mid March, 2010, featuring reports of Winter or New Year celebrations and inaugurations of new Officers at Yee Fung Toy associations around the world. Please submit your articles to the Editor via email (editor @ or postal mail (The Editor, 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6A 1Z7) by February 15.