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Issue 27 2011/06/11



世界余氏宗親總會第五屆(2012 年)懇親大會





                    Spring 2011 cover  FTM Spring 2011 Issue Contents    









第廿七期的「風采電子季刊」以各地余風采堂舉辦的春節聯歡、清明時節慶活動為主題。 各風采分堂之活動由各余氏宗親會提供。

時光飛逝,轉眼間一年一度的盛夏即將來臨了,這個暑假你會選擇怎樣渡過? 炎炎夏日,想到沙灘暢泳? 還是想跨國旅遊好呢? 祝大家有一個安全、健康及有意義的假期喔!

世界余氏宗親總會第五屆懇親大會暨全加余風采堂第十六屆懇親大會將於二零一二年八月四日(星期六)至八月七日(星期二)在温哥華、 加拿大舉行, 由世界余氏宗親總會主辦,加拿大余風采總堂協辦。 懇親大會活動的各項準備工作,目前一切籌備的工作都如預期中。 屆時,敬請世界各國及地區之余氏宗親團體踴躍報名參與。



  • 加拿大温哥華余風采堂的余柏寧先生、余榮燊先生、余金星先生。
  • 加拿大點問頓余風采堂的余英華先生、余國基先生、余偉毅先生。
  • 加拿大卡城余風采堂的余策源先生。
  • 加拿大安省余風采堂的余穎俊先生。
  • 加拿大滿地可余風采堂的余紹然先生。
  • 美國三藩市余風采總堂的余健全先生。
  • 美國斐匿余風采堂的余文澤先生、余文勁先生、余長全先生、余偉虹女士。
  • 美國二埠余風采堂的余李慕蓮女士、余庭穩先生、余汝韶先生。
  • 美國紐約余風采堂的余宏基先生、余鋼深先生。
  • 美國舍路余風采堂的余海量先生。
  • 美國積彩余風采堂的余次屏先生。
  • 美國紐英崙余風采堂的余厚利先生、余超群先生、余寶愛女士、余定邦先生。
  • 美國休斯敦余風采堂的余頌輝先生。
  • 美國企李崙余風采堂的余顯良先生。
  • 菲律濱余風采堂的余健華先生。
  • 香港余氏宗親會主席余健倫先生、余華軸先生。
  • 馬來西亞秘書長余開雲先生。

本季刊在這裡向他們致謝。 我亦在此期望季刊欣欣向榮。


紐約余風采堂歡宴迎春 嘉賓逾千



當日出席嘉賓包括紐約州眾議員孟昭文、紐約市議員顧雅明、市警五分局局長余振源、 五分局輔警團團長雷柏銳、中國駐紐約總領館領事羅剛、駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處副處長孫習忍及中華公所主席伍權碩等。



紐英崙地區今年冬天瑞雪紛飛, 到了二月中旬天氣才回暖,三月五日更是陽光普照,和暖舒適。 紐英崙余風采堂選在這一天在帝苑酒樓舉行二零一一年兔年春節聯歡暨敬老晚會。 出席的嘉賓和本堂宗親逾五百人,會場喜氣洋洋。

宴會中英文司儀分別由余明茹和余俊明担任。 兩人已合作多年, 亦經常分別在社區的其他大小宴會中担任司儀,默契十足,頗有大將風度,令整個宴會高潮迭起。

由二十人組成的合唱團首先獻上 [福星拱照] 和 [問我] 兩首歌曲拉開宴會的序幕。 緊接着有華林派武術學院余翠梅師傅的徒弟表演的精采的華林派功夫。 十三歲的余湘兒妹妹電子琴獨奏, 琴聲悅耳。 婦女組和男性成員還獻上兩隻集體舞, 將晚會帶上高潮。

主席余景新致歡迎詞, 祝在座各人新年快樂, 身體健康。 並感謝各宗親及僑社人仕對余風采堂的支持, 使公所在去年四月發生火災後能順利渡過難關, 迅速完成裝修工程。 特別提名感謝資深僑領陳毓禮先生在火災當日及其後的日子給余風采堂的難能可貴的幫助。

到賀的嘉賓包括中華公所主席梁永基, 台北駐波士頓經文處處長洪慧珠、副處長鍾麗文,僑教中心主任黃正杰,來自紐約的全美余風采總堂美東總長余景新, 州參議員陳翟蘇妮, 州衆議員黃子安、陳德基。 他們都分別致詞祝賀大家新年快樂, 萬事如意。 並讚揚余風采堂對社區的貢獻,祝福堂務蒸蒸日上。 嘉賓中的全美余風采總堂美東總長余景新和紐英崙余風采堂主席余景新恰好同姓同名,形成一段佳話。

副主席余國華感謝在座各人的光臨。 特別感謝由余宏基主席帶領的十二位紐約宗親遠道而來。 兩位司儀亦介紹紐約的宗親與大家認識。

余風采堂今年特別頒發三位宗親 [服務獎], 表彰他們對余風采堂的貢獻。 他們分別是法律顧問余文博, 公所大樓裝修期間的總監督余顯生, 前主席余厚利三人。 由余景新總長 (紐約)、余景新主席 (波士頓)、余仕昂元老三人主持頒發。

今年獲得大學獎學金的子弟計有余展文、余瑞安、余素影、余穎秀、余欣樺、余詩婷、關偉雄共七人。 英文書記余寶愛、余麗琇共同主持頒發。 余風采堂亦在宴會中捐贈紅包給中華公所、中華耆英會、廣教學校、僑立學校。

由婦女組主持的抽獎節目獎品非常豐富, 包括高達二百元的現金獎。 得獎者的歡呼聲此起彼落。

歌舞節目是余風采堂的專長。 余風采堂擁有出色的歌唱陣容, 加上其他來賓的獻唱, 使整個宴會現場歌聲繞樑。 舞池內雙雙對對翩翩起舞, 宴會近尾聲時各人仍溜漣不願離去。


加拿大余風采總堂 107 年老僑團的今天

已經走過 107 年歷史的余風采堂於 3 月 12 日中午 12 時進行拜祭忠襄太祖暨紀念成立誌慶。

晚上六時半在富大酒家舉行春節聯歡, 得到中華人民共和國駐溫哥華總領館梁梳根總領事、僑團首長、馬氏世表、謝氏世表、余氏族人及好友參加共敘聯歡。

並賀我堂青年精英「余玉珍」警官榮升溫哥華埠市警督察,得到前任正副警察局長到賀。 場面熱鬧。 實為余氏之光,好喜可賀!



美國余風采總堂 2011 年春節聯歡慶會,於 3 月 20 日晚在舊金山華埠新亞洲大酒樓、會賓樓同步舉行,筵開 116 席。 加州參議員余胤良宗長、加州平稅局局長余淑婷宗妹、舊金山市議會議長邱信福、市議員馬兆光親臨祝賀並頒發賀狀; 世界耆英會主席余浩揚宗長、小商業委員余愛蓮宗妹; 中領館副總領事毛清文、領事吳剛; 經文處處長江國強、副處長王海龍、華僑文教中心主任李定勇、處長助理黃遠華。

中華總會館總董周達昌、合和總會館主席余銓針、岡州總會館主席林柏壽、 陽和總會館主席馬金權、三邑總會館主席謝見明、人和總會館主席林英麟; 余氏元老傑民、文勁、習文、祝祐、仕昂、臻發、顯良等首長,暨中西政要、 兩岸官員、僑界領袖、社會賢達、馬氏世表、謝氏世表、各埠分堂余氏宗親及嘉賓歡聚慶會,共享快樂氣氛。

喜慶不忘追思先祖,當日正午,在該總堂舉行莊嚴肅穆的祭祖典禮,奉上七頭金豬, 柔功門醒獅獻瑞,鞭炮齊鳴,在絢麗陽光下,呈現一派喜氣洋洋景象。

中文書記余源益主持祭祖禮及擔任宴會司儀。 余振兆致歡迎詞,他表示,美國余風采總堂春節聯會宴會,熱烈歡迎大家光臨,並致以新春的問候。 他指出,過去的一年,該堂遵循章程,嚴格執行墾親大會的決議,求同化異,力求團結一致,使堂務能平穩進行。 儘管受到經濟環境影響,但在開源節流方面還是取得一些可喜成績。 他說,以往本堂參與僑社活動,在大家關懷及支持下,為僑社作出微薄的貢獻。 今後將一如既往,為僑社安定和諧盡最大努力。


周達昌致詞讚揚余氏是舊金山傳統僑社較大僑團之一,歷史悠久,深遠流長。 該堂秉承聯絡宗親,為族人謀福利為宗旨,團結各僑團、贊助公益,不遺餘力。 該堂更是關心並支持教育事業,獎勵與鼓勵學子深造學業,為社會有用之材。 他相信該堂在僑社經驗豐富的主席余振兆、副主席余允仁的領導下,會務定上層樓。

美東總長余景新、世界余氏美國副會長暨美西副總長余以信分別致詞, 呼籲宗親踴躍參與 2012 年在加拿大溫哥華舉行的余氏第 5 屆懇親大會,共襄盛舉。

副主席余允仁致答謝詞,衷心感謝來賓的隆情厚意。 文娛組主任余堯沛主持卡拉 OK 節目,歌詠團獻唱賀年金曲,為宴會助慶。




三月二十七日,余紹賢堂在華埠新亞洲大酒樓舉行一年一度的春節聯歡晚會,當晚嘉賓雲集,滿堂吉慶。 舊金山市長李孟賢、加州參議院余胤良、加州平稅局局長余淑婷、舊金山教育委員余鼎昂、合和總會館主席余銓針、 象賢堂全體同仁; 余風釆堂元老余習文、余祝佑、余臻發;顧問余煦鴻、余樹勳;余紹賢堂元老、顧問、主席及職員; 余氏各宗親社團; 僑團首長、社會賢達近 700 人參加了聯歡盛會。

晚會由中文書記余周岐、余民輝擔任司儀, 他們高興地向現場嘉賓祝賀新年,并熱烈歡迎市長李孟賢及各界政要親臨道賀。

副主席余華致歡迎詞,他說: 「今晚有市長李孟賢、州參議院余胤良及各界政要嘉賓、僑團首長及社會賢達的光臨, 為德聯歡盛會增添光彩,謹代表余紹賢堂全體同仁表示親切的節日問候及致以新年的祝福。」 他還表示,該堂一貫秉承余氏崇敬祖德、團結宗親的辦堂宗旨,務求為各界宗親提供一個溫馨和諧的場所。 每年,該堂舉辦頒發獎學金活動,旨在鼓勵宗親子弟珍惜學習的好機會,努力學習,為宗親爭光,成為社會的棟樑。

李孟賢也高興地向各界嘉賓祝福新年,并親切地向獲得獎學金的宗親子弟問候及祝賀。 余胤良、余淑婷、余鼎昂也相繼發表講話,盛讚余紹賢堂多年來為和諧僑社、 服務僑胞、造福社區等方面都的卓越貢獻。 隨後,李孟賢、余胤良、余淑婷及市議員朱嘉文代表均向余紹賢堂頒發了新年賀狀。

中文書記余民輝主持獎學金的儀式,由副主席余華、財政余樹沛親自為 49 名品學兼優、小學至高中的宗親子弟進行頒獎并合影留念。

顧問余浩揚向各界嘉賓介紹到賀的政要,書記余周岐介紹光臨盛會的嘉賓,余華副主席致答謝詞。 他感謝各界朋友在過去一年給予該堂的鼎力支持,期待在新的一年里繼續攜手合作,共建和諧僑社。

出席當晚慶會的還有: 余紹賢堂顧問余育涓、余習文、余祝佑、余臻發、余春焯、余浩揚及職員余周岐、余民輝; 余熾鐸; 余樹沛、余凱熠、余家聲、余洪進等。



香港余氏宗親會於四月十日晚上七時,在香港金鐘名都酒樓舉行慶祝成立七十四週年第二十三屆理監事就職典禮 暨會員春節聯歡大會。



禮畢後,劉林先生獲邀講話,他高度讚揚余氏一族的團結精神,充分肯定了余氏家庭對香港、對社會的貢獻, 還勉勵天下余姓兄弟朋友繼續秉承余靖先賢為國為民的精神,繼續為香港、為祖國的繁榮富強作出更大貢獻!





休斯頓市規模最盛大的多元文化節慶活動「第 41 屆休斯頓國際節」在 5 月 7、8 兩日登場,各個不同國籍與族裔的社團紛紛設攤位並推出節目相互爭豔。 今年國際節的主題為絲綢之路,跨越亞洲之旅。

5 月 8 日大休士頓「宗教交流協會」和「表演及視覺藝術高中學院」聯袂休斯頓地區的「伊斯蘭教」、「佛教」、「儒教」、「印度教」、 「基督教」、「袄教」和「猶太教」的代表,同台演出了舞台劇《絲綢之路的宗教》。

初次登台的余風釆堂主席余頌輝扮演孔子門徒。 圖中的他正在謝幕致意。


《風采月刊》 慶祝復刊 100 期

風采月刊社在三埠迳頭新伴溪酒店舉辦慶祝《風采月刊》復刊 100 期暨第四屆筆友會

5 月 14 日上午,風采月刊社在三埠逕頭新伴溪酒店舉辦慶祝《風采月刊》復刊 100 期暨第四屆筆友會,總結復刊 100 期的經驗與研討今後創新發展的大計。 世界余氏宗親總會創會會長、香港余風采五堂會主席余健倫,逕頭居委會主任余牛養,以及優秀作者、香港風采堂理事會成員等共 50 多人出席了大會。

據了解,《風采月刊》創刊於 1925 年,曾停刊,1982 年復刊。 29 年來,始終遵循 “溝通內外,敦宗睦族,弘揚族德,振興家鄉” 的宗旨,及時向海內外宗親報導余氏家鄉的消息。 該月刊在復刊第一年出版了兩期; 1983 至 1997 年期間,每年出版 3 期; 自 1998 年到現在,每年均出版 4 期。 今年 6 月份出版復刊後的第 100 期,版面將增加 12 頁彩頁,每頁刊登 2 位人士(或 2 個團體)的題辭並配本人彩照; 同時刊登月刊社負責人總結文章。

世界余氏宗親總會創會會長、香港余風采五堂會主席余健倫表示, 《風采月刊》 在傳遞鄉情,加強與海內外鄉親的溝通和聯繫方面發揮了積極作用。 香港余風采五堂會、香港余氏宗親會每年都出資 10 多萬支持《風采月刊》的印刷和郵寄給海外的余氏僑胞,以後將繼續支持僑刊的發展,希望海內外的編輯努力把 《風采月刊》 越辦越出色,越辦越精彩。





2011-05-14 23:46:49 中國開平網 余映意


余風采堂每年都在公所內舉辦雙親節慶祝會,今年選在五月二十一日星期日舉行。 經過去年公所大樓火災後,公所內部裝修煥然一新。 懷着節日的喜悅和對公所內部裝修的好奇心,六十多位宗親擠滿了公所的禮堂和娛樂室,共渡一年一度的佳節。

主辦此次活動的婦女部主任和各委員都非常忙碌,除佈置會場外,還帶來各種自製的食物。 公所也從餐館購買了一些肉食及粉、麵、菜炒等佳餚。 還特別為節日訂購了一個大蛋糕。 在向忠襄公遺像奉上三炷香後,各人一邊品嚐美味,一邊閒話家常。 景新主席、國華主席、超群總長、仕昂元老都周旋於各宗親和來賓之間,互道節日的祝福。

婦女部主任美后趁大家齊聚的機會宣佈今年八月份將舉辦加拿大滿地可和多倫多兩地的四日三晚旅遊活動。 除介紹活動的細節外,亦立即開始報名,報名截止日期是六月三十日。





下一期的風采電子季刊將在二零一一年九月中出版。 歡迎大家投稿。 稿件需在二零一一年八月十五日前經電郵 (editor @ 或郵寄 (風采電子季刊,226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6A 1Z7) 到本刊編輯收。

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In this Issue:

Message from the Editor

The 5th World Yee Family Association Convention

16th Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada National Convention

Articles contributed by some of the Yee Fung Toy Association members

Yen Ock Yee, Detroit

YFT Chapter Reports

Message from the Editor

Welcome to the 27th issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice, an electronic newsletter for the World Yee community.

In this issue we are featuring celebrations of the annual Spring Banquets, Ching Ming Festival and Parents Day celebrations from associations around the world.

Hi all, It's summer time! Have fun! Have a safe and enjoyable Summer holiday!

The 5th World Yee Family Association Convention and the 16th Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada National Convention will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from Saturday, August 4th to Tuesday, August 7th, 2012. Currently members of the Convention Organizing Committee are in their planning stages, more details to follow from them later.

Thanks to everyone for contributing advice, articles, photos, and editorial assistance, including:
  • Edward Yee of Detroit
  • Frank Yee and Gong Sum Yee of New York
  • Frank Yu of Houston
  • Fred Yee of Seattle
  • Henry Yee of Cleveland
  • Henry Yu, Sherman Yee and Melinda Yee of Sacramento
  • Jack Charles Yee of Calgary
  • John M. Yee, David M. Yee, Edward Yue and Rudy Yee of Phoenix
  • Kai Yon Yee of Malaysia
  • Kenneth Yee of Philippines
  • Larry Yee of San Francisco
  • Martin Yee, James Yu and Wing Yee of Vancouver
  • Richard Yue of Hong Kong
  • Stephen Yu of Montreal
  • Wayne Yee of Ontario
  • Winston Yee, Ho Lee Yee, Paula Yee and Peter Yee of Boston
  • Ying Hua Yu, Jerome Yee, and Eric Yu of Edmonton

Jim Yee, Vancouver

New York YFT 2011 New Year Dinner

Sun neen fai lok (新年快樂!), Sun tai keen hong (身體健康!) to all as we welcome the Year of the Rabbit, 4709. The New York Yee Fong Toy Association held its Chinese Lunar New Year and honoring senior members’ celebration on Saturday, February 26th, 2011.

Frank Yee, New York

Seattle YFT 2011 New Year Dinner

The Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association held its 2011 New Year dinner at the Renton Seafood Restaurant at 6:30 pm on February 28. Although this year's dinner drew fewer participants of about 40, may be because of the cold weather, the spirit and atmosphere of the dinner was excellent as usual. One reason is the we had quite a few special guests attending the dinner.

Larry Yee, US YFT Association West Coast Grand President and his wife Denise were in attendance. Larry came to visit Seattle as part of his tour of his presidency and more specifically, he came to discuss and obtained updated information about the Seattle Chapter's planning process towards the 2012 US YFT National Convention, to be held in August of the year.

Fred Yee, Seattle Chapter Advisor accompanied Larry to visit the hotel which the Convention is to be held. In addition, Larry visited the Seattle YFT Association office in the Chinatown-International District.

In attendance of the dinner included Jim Yee, Chairman of the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver, Esther Yue and Albert Yu, both members of the Vancouver BC Chapter. Kit Fung Yee, Chinese Secretary of the Seattle Chapter gave the welcoming remark, followed by greetings from De Shum Yee, Seattle Chapter President. Both Grand President Larry Yee and Vancouver Chairman Jim Yee spoke and the thank you message was delivered by Fred Yee, Seattle Chapter Advisor.

One special note is that the food provided by Renton Seafood Restaurant was excellent. Great thanks to Shek Jing Yee, Seattle Chapter Advisor and co-owner of the restaurant, for making the dinner arrangement. Great thanks are also extended to all those attended the dinner and we all look forward to next year's celebration.

Fred Yee, Seattle

New England Yee Fung Toy 2011 Spring Festival/Senior Appreciation Banquet

This year's annual banquet was held on Saturday, March 5, at Empire Garden. The day started out by many of us greeting our fellow YFT guests who arrived from New York. We enjoyed a nice dim-sum lunch before heading back to YFT for pictures and socializing before heading out to Empire Garden for the evening’s banquet.

The evening began with two Chinese songs sung by a group comprised of fellow members. Following the singing, our own Mai Du's Wah Lum Academy provided a Kung Fu demonstration led by her own son Thomas. Continuing with our young talent, Vice President Kwok Wah’s daughter Faith performed a couple of pieces on the keyboard. Capping off the first part of the evening, our own talented members provided line dancing performances.

President King Sun gave a touching welcome speech, thanking all who helped during and after the fire of our building. Special appreciation awards were presented to Kenneth, Hing Sun, and Ho-Lee for all their hard work and volunteering of their time. A special thanks went out to a good friend, Uncle Frank Chin, who also helped the Yee Association with the fire. Kenneth made a special mention to Rosemary in recognition for all her help also.

Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz personally thanked Elder Henry for his help in getting the bi-lingual ballot passed. She said his diligent work did not go unnoticed.

Vice-President Kwok Wah concluded by thanking everyone for attending, and all our guests from New York were recognized and introduced by emcees Melinda and Tony.

Paula and Susan awarded this year’s scholarships to seven college students.

The evening continued with Karaoke headed up by Emcee Melinda and raffle prizes given out by Women’s Division Chair Mei Hau.

All our hard work paid off in the end as it was apparent that all our guests had a wonderful time by filling up the dance floor and volunteering to sing. Another successful YFT banquet!

Paula Yee, New England

Phoenix Yees Celebrate 4709

On March 5th, Saturday, the Phoenix Yee Fung-toy Family Association invited family and friends to the Great Wall Restaurant for its annual lunisolar New Year’s Celebration, with over 400 diners in attendance. Jack J. F. Yee welcomed all at the outset and was followed by the greetings of the season delivered by the current Association President, David M. Yee.

The many distinguished local guests and community leaders were further highlighted by friends from afar – which no less than the Master K’ung-chiu declared was a pleasure to enjoy: in this case, the Western Region (USA) Grand President Larry Yee from San Francisco had arrived earlier by plane, and Alan and Edie Yee had driven in from Los Angeles. Alan bears not only the title of Western Region Grand Vice President, but also the World Yee Fung-toy Family Association Vice President as well.

An invocation was delivered by Pastor Mack M. S. Yee of the Phoenix Chinese Baptist Church and then a sumptious eight course banquet was served, during which other elements of the program for the evening were conducted so as to ensure a lively time not overlate into the night. A special guest and greeting was from Kimberly Yee, a member of the State of Arizona House of Representatives, the first Asian-American woman to be so honored. Rep. Yee had served both in California (in the cabinet of outgoing Governor Arnold Schwarzeneger) and in California (for outgoing State Treasurer Dean Martin) and specializes in health, education, and women’s issues. A particular highlight was the performance by 12-year- old Jessie Lee on the ku-cheng, a zither, played with both sensitivity and vigor.

John M. Yee and officers and elders of the Yees toasted all assembled with New Year’s benisons and the fervent wish that next year, all would be present again after a year of good health and new wealth.

Rudy Yee and Angie Yu were the Emcees of the evening, keeping up a banter in English and Cantonese that even included bilingual jests about the Year of the Rabbit. They introduced Gayle Yee, Kathy Yee, and Janet Yee to draw the gift certificates from the Great Wall Restaurant, New Hong Kong Restaurant, and World Buffet so that the festive dining can continue even after the evening’s repast.

A most elevating note was afforded by the provision of Scholarship Awards. The Committee this year, as for several years now, has consisted of MaryAnn Yee, Jeanette Hing, Betty Yee, and Mayen Yee; each took turns introducing the awardees and describing their many achievements. At the level of elementary graduation, Aaron Yee (son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yee) was awarded. At the level of high school graduation, the winners were: Nathan Yee (son or Mr. & Mrs. Fred Yee), Thomas Wong (son of Mr. & Mrs. Arlen Wong), and Ariane Song (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Song).

The Phoenix Yee Fung-toy Family Association also provides financial support for Chinese language learning at any of the Valley schools for this formal purpose, and thus four young students were honored this evening in that category. They were Nathan Yee (son of Mr. & Mrs. Harold Yee), Lauren Yee (daugher of Mr. & Mrs.Herbert Yee), Matthew Yee (son of Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Yee), and Derek Yu (son of Mr. and Mrs. Jin Xin Yu).

Association Vice President Joe Yue wound up the noisy happy time by formally thanking all who attended for sharing this occasion with the Yee clan. Stephen Yee, youth minister of Northwest Phoenix Baptist Church, then offered a closing benediction and the Year 4709 was well-launched indeed.

Yee Moon-cheak with Photos by John Tang, Phoenix

Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association 2011 Ching Ming Cemetery Visit

On April 3, members of the Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association met up at the Chapter's office at 10:15 am to visit several cemeteries in the areas.

Paying respect to our ancestors has been a tradition of the Chapter for decades, 2011 being no exception. The group went in two separate vehicles and visited four cemeteries, Lakeview, Holywood, Evergreen-Washali and Queen Anne (Mt. Pleasant).

Many of our past Yee members were buried and are now resting in peace; the earliest of the grave sites dating back to the 1910s. It was a wonderful and sunny day. Sharing old memories and connecting new experience were the highlights during the day-long visits. The group has lunch together at the Northgate McDonald's, a great favorite for the youngsters that went along on the visit.

Fred Yee, Seattle

The Hong Kong Yues Celebrated 74th Anniversary

The Hong Kong Yues Celebrated Their 74th Anniversary, the Installation Ceremony for the 23rd elected Board officers and the 2011 Spring Banquet on April 10th, 2011.

For more photos of this event, please click here.

Hong Kong Yue Clansmen Association

Phoenix Yee Clan Celebrates 22nd Anniversary

On Saturday, April 30th, the Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Family Association gathered at its Clan Hall to commemorate the 22nd Anniversary of its initial opening with a traditional festivity to honor the eponymous ancestor of this patrilineage. In the customary fashion of relatively modern ancestral veneration, which had roots in ancestor worship by the kings of the earliest dynasties for their royal deceased, rites were conducted before the supposed portrait of Yu Feng-tsai.

For further details...please click here.

Religions of the Silk Road

Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston and the High School for Performing and Visual Arts collaborated with representatives of Houston area Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Judaism to put together a play entitled: The Religions of the Silk Road that was presented at the annual Houston International Festival on May 8, 2011.

Debutant Frank Yu of Yee Fung Toy Association acted as a follower of Confucius. He was seen making a bow at the finale.

Frank Yu, Houston

Yee Fung Toy of Washington, DC Re-establishment

According to The Yee Family Association of Washington, DC's Home page, The Yee Family Association of Washington, DC "was established over 60 years ago. However, it has been mainly inactive for the past ten years. Re-establishing the Washington DC Chapter of Yee Fung Toy Association will bring the large group of Yee families of Washington DC area together. The new leadership will refocus efforts to promote communications and outreach among the many Yee families in the DC area."

"There is a large population of Yee families in the Washington DC area. Yee Fung Toy Association has been an influential force in the Chinese community. Washington Yees feel it is important to re-establish the Yee Fung Toy chapter of Washington DC. ..."

The Yee Family Association of Washington DC current President is Mr. Kai Fay Yee.

On behalf of the World Yee web committee, I am sure in the near future, the Yee Family Association of Washington, DC is successful to join the US Yee Fung Toy Family Association, whose headquarter is in San Francisco, which has 13 chapters across the United States.

If you are interested in joining the The Yee Family Association of Washington, DC, please register at their registration page.

Martin Yee, Vancouver

What is in the Next Issue?

The next issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice will be published in mid September of 2011, featuring summer picnics and other activities at Yee Fung Toy associations around the world. Please submit your articles to the Editor via email (editor @ or postal mail (The Editor, 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6A 1Z7) by August 15, 2011.

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