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Issue 15 2008/06/20






春季號(第87 期)

2008 FTM Spring issue Cover   2008 FTM Spring Issue Contents




下 期預告


各位宗親,各位讀者,大家好!歡迎來到第十五期的「風采電子季刊」,這是世界余氏宗親團體的電子訊報。 這期季刊以慶祝二零零八年「戊子鼠年春節聯歡」以及「春季活動」為主題。 各分堂之春宴、春季活動消息由各余氏宗親會報導和供應,給大家分享。


大家有沒有發覺世界的氣侯變化了? 近年來,世界各地的海嘯、地震、颶風、旱災、雪災、豪雨洪水等自然災害頻頻發生越比較多,造成了受災國家大量人員傷亡和財產 損失。



可說天災無情但人間有情、現在世界全僑都伸手共獻愛心。 各界人士聞風而動,積極響應,皆以「救災為先」為口號。體現出各界華人華僑血濃于水、同舟共濟的可貴精神。 天災雖然奪走了同胞們的生命,造成無可估計的損失,卻奪不走中國精神。 相反,它讓全球的中國人團結出來。


世界各地余風采堂的余氏宗親也不例外,懷著同一信條,「一方有難,八方支援」。 各地各埠的余氏熱心人士也慷慨解囊,踴躍捐輸,施出援手,體現了一國有難, 各國支援的普世人類愛心和國際人道主義精神之美德。

為本刊之問世,我很感謝各工作人的努力和支持貢獻的文章、相片、 和社論協助。特別是以下人士的貢獻:

  • 加拿大温哥華余風采堂的余柏寧先生、余金星先生、余榮燊先生。
  • 美國舍路余風采堂的余海量先生。
  • 美國斐匿余風采堂的余文澤先生、美國余長全先生。
  • 美國積彩余風采堂的余次屏先生。
  • 美國紐英崙余風采堂的余定邦先生。
  • 美國三藩市余風采總堂的余健全先生。
  • 美國二埠余風采堂的余庭穩先生、余李慕蓮女士。
  • 美國紐約余風采堂的余宏基先生。
  • 美國休士頓余風采堂的余頌輝先生。
  • 香港余氏宗親會的余華軸先生。



據加拿大星島日報報道,卡城余風采堂於二月二十三日(星期六)晚上舉行春節聯歡晚會, 逾四百五十位嘉賓出席,場面熱鬧,節目精采。 該僑團當日正午在會所內舉行祭祖儀式,備有金豬和三牲祭品,鄉親也帶來食物助慶。 當晚又在華埠富麗宮大酒樓主辦春宴,筵開四十五席,嘉賓包括前省長簡欣 (Ralph Klein)、 中國駐卡城副總領事董滿意、領事程洪、大律師保文、愛城及紅鹿市余風采堂代表、卡城風采校友會成員及多個社團代表等。


卡城余風采堂成立於1920 年,是歷史悠久宗親社團,年年都舉辦不少文娛康樂活動包括祭祖、春宴、郊外遠足, 以及組團到世界各地參加風采堂大會和青年高爾夫球賽等,而且設有獎學金以獎勵學業成績優異子弟。



當晚文娛節目十分精采,包括卡城中樂推廣曲藝社演奏悅耳樂曲、著名男歌唱家廖友宗演唱中西名曲、 劉碧雲唱出流行時代曲、武術表演,以及余樹人表演百變精采魔術等。


休士頓余風采堂於二月二十四日(星期日)在休士頓新華埠珍寶樓海鮮餐廳舉行春宴並頒發第二十屆優秀子女獎學金, 余頌輝主席主持,席開二十二桌。中華人民共和國駐休士頓總領事館副總領事鬱伯仁等官員受邀出席余風采堂春宴。 同時出席的還有駐休士頓台北經文處僑務組長賴澄民等。

余風采堂余頌輝主席於春宴中致詞並作宗親會年度報告。 協會在美好的氣氛中度過了過去的一年,由於眾多的熱心人士和余風采堂成員不斷的支持,獎學金捐贈工作非常順利, 尤其是去年總領事館在發現幾乎沒有獲獎人能說中文時,特別捐款二百美元鼓勵年輕人學中文,一年後的今天, 代表獲獎者上台致謝的年輕人 Mathew BruceMichael Yu 都是用中文來致謝詞的,取得了很大進步。多年以來,不少年輕人都獲得了休士頓余風采堂每年頒發的獎學金。

余主席指出,余氏懇親大會每三年舉行一次。 二零零六年八月,余氏懇親大會在加利福尼亞羅省蒙特利公園市舉行了。 下個全國會議將於二零零九年八月在紐約舉行。 下一屆世界余氏宗親會懇親大會將於二零零九年在馬來西亞吉隆坡舉行,時間很可能在同年的十一月。 所有余氏成員和他們的朋友都歡迎出席。報名請上網, 然後點擊世界余氏網站和世界余氏全球性報告連接。讀者也可以從網站上了解到余氏在世界範圍內的瞬時新聞。

余主席表示,中華人民共和國休士頓總領事館連續兩年的出席,讓余風采堂增加一個新的光彩。 我們接受了眾多的祝賀,也創造了休士頓余風采堂的歷史。

晚會的亮點是像電影「音樂之聲 」Von Trapp 的一家合唱主題曲 "Edelweiss" 一樣,Bruce 一家用中文合唱 "O My Darling Clementine", 所有與會人員分左右兩邊紛紛加入合唱,情景感人至極!



舍路余風采堂於二月廿八日(星期四) 下午六時,假連頓市「食得福海鮮酒家」,舉辦年度春節聯歡會,場面熱鬧,筵開六席。


當晚出席的嘉賓包括温哥華余風采堂主席余美湛伉儷、温哥華余風采堂財政余柏寧伉儷、舍路馬氏世表、西雅圖 ( 美國衛生及公共服務部) 第十區民權辦事處經理 Linda Yuu Connor 女士及社團代表等。


宴會秩序: 由余家樂顧問擔任司儀、余碩正主席致歡迎詞及温哥華余風采堂主席余美湛致賀詞。

美西總顧問余樹湛(右一)、顧問余家樂(左一)、顧問余海量 (左二)、余碩正主席(右三)、及余汝深副主席(右二)敬贈禮物給顧問余士晃(左三)。








在元老 余維慶、余耿石帶領下,主席余鋼深、余景新、顧問和理事等在春宴上向嘉賓們敬酒。


Kenneth, Frank,
                Elaine, (front row) Jimmy Yan, June Jee, Lai Sun
後排(由左起):  紐約余風采堂副主席余景新、英文書記余宏基、余昭美女士(余宏基夫人)
前排(由左起):  曼哈頓區長辦公室任法務長顏世全、威瑞森 (Verizon) 曼哈坦區社區事務主任朱劉婉玲女士 (June Jee)、 紐約州長代表余麗珊女士 (Lai Sun Yee)


出席的嘉賓包括紐約州長代表余麗珊、胡思源,市議員劉醇逸,中國駐紐約領事朱柳,五分局局長余振源,中華公所現任主席于金山, 台北駐紐約經文處處長廖港民、林維揚副處長、魏煥忠組長等到場祝賀。出席春宴的還有: 紐英崙余風采堂元老余仕昂、紐英崙余氏宗親、馬氏世表、謝氏世表、聯成公所主席黄達良、 台山寧陽會館主席黃英漢等六十多個僑團負責人。

中國駐紐約領事朱柳(左四)、紐英崙余風采堂元老余仕昂(左三)、 主席余鋼深(左二)、中文書記余典榮(左一)、紐約余風采堂元老余耿石(中)、 副主席余景新(右四)、顧問余應昌(右三)、紐英崙余風采堂主席余厚利(右二)、紐英崙余風采堂副主席余積堯(右一) 合影。


 Members of
                Boston's and our Women's League singing traditional
                Chinese New Year songs  Sword Dance




春回大地,萬象更新,剛送完農曆春節,又迎來了明媚的春天,趁著這春風送爽的時節, 鳳凰城余風采堂於三月一日(星期六)假六福酒家舉行春節聯歡宴會及獎學金頒發, 逾三百九十位嘉賓出席,場面隆重,喜氣洋洋。


晚會由余哲夫主持,他首先代表余風采堂全體同仁感激大家的到會。並恭祝大家新春快樂、身體健康、萬事如意。隨後, 余風采堂主席余長全向九十四歲的余永享太夫人送上好運紅包,並祝願大家「煎堆碌碌,金銀滿屋」。 接著,余詠瑜介紹了當晚出席的貴賓、他們是鳳凰城余風采堂元老余文勁夫婦,余風采總堂美西總長余臻發夫婦、 美西副總長余以信夫婦、南加省分堂主席余施橋夫婦、僑界知名人士包括李玲麟、陳卓眉、黃仕鈞、黃燁昂、鄧朝駒、鄧炳杖、 鄧豐沾、鄧賀錚、鄧汪洋、 尹衍桓、邱順雄、伍國芳、裴霞雲、吳亮祖、劉汝章、賴甲乙、張華芳、張肇鴻、甄藝文等。


宴會中,抽獎活動由余長全夫人主持,獎品豐富,獎品包括六福酒家、新香港餐館、及欣欣超市贈送的獎券,在場的嘉賓皆大歡喜, 氣氛熱鬧。 在元老余文勁的帶領下,風采堂的主要領導人上台向大家敬酒祝賀,恭祝各位除舊迎新,新年進步。

春宴最重要的環節之一是向余氏學子頒發獎學金。 今年,余風采堂為讀中文、英文小學、中學及高中組頒發了獎學金近四千元。 其中包括有紀念余賞和與余文偉獎學金。

獲得獎學金的十一位品學兼優的學子包括:余妙君、余淑華、Michael Wong、 Megan Yu、 Kaysey Fung、 Tyler Tomkins、 Emily Yee、 Zachary Yee、 余祖揚、余哲健、余哲陽。每一位獲得獎學金的學子都發表感言, 感謝余風采堂對他們的關愛並表達自己的學習目標,在場嘉賓為他們鼓掌加油。



紐英崙余風采堂敬老宗親歡聚 風雨無阻 喜氣濃

from Yee's
                Banquet Album by Ken Lee


世界新聞網記者薛劍童波士頓報導,紐英崙余風采堂於三月八日(星期六)假波士頓帝苑大酒樓舉行春節聯歡暨敬 老晚會, 紐約余風采堂主席余鋼深、余景新率領十六名宗親赴會,和各界僑團等近六百人,喜氣洋洋共度春茗。


晚宴由司儀余明茹和余定邦主持。書香傳統味甚濃的余氏親屬,以首輪大合唱《賀歲歌》開場,歡樂歌聲掀起晚宴熱烈氣氛。 緊接著以齊步浪漫的大集體舞蹈《摘蘋果》展開了余氏宗親的親情蜜意,獲得熱烈掌聲。




聯歡敬老宴會中,該公所捐贈紅包給中華公所、中華耆英會、廣教學校和僑立學校,分別由中華公所主席何遠光、 中華耆英會行政主任梅伍銀寬、廣教學校副董事長李伍綺蓮等接受。

席間,獎學金由顧問兼英文書記余超群及余秀琴主持,宣布及頒發「余氏武溪社區教育基金獎」, 獲獎者為余日昇、余詩敏、余玳嫻、余秀文、陳綺雯五位大學生。

當晚還有兩項大抽獎活動,讓出席宴會的宗親大為歡喜。波士頓被譽為「徐小鳳」的余潤冰及其他宗親先後為大家獻唱助興, 笑聲歡聲此起彼落,整晚聯歡會充滿著歡樂團結的氣氛。

點即 便看二零零八年春宴相部


星島電子日報 特約記者翁漢新報道,美國余風采總堂春宴於三月十六日(星期日)晚在三藩市新亞洲和會賓樓兩大酒家隆重舉行, 筵開一百三十二席,千多人參加場面喜慶。


出席宴會的嘉賓有世界余氏宗親總會副會長余杰民元老伉儷,加州參議員余胤良博士伉儷, 中華人民共和國駐舊金山總領事館高占生總領事伉儷暨多位領事,三藩市市參事朱嘉文, 中華總會館總董、陽和總會館主席李文波,寧陽總會館主席李超南,三邑總館主席吳國寶, 合和總會館主席胡衍富伉儷,通事余健全,中華總會館主席聯誼會理事長吳錫漢、鄧灼照、余春焯等。

其他喜賓尚有美國華商總會會長鍾紹元,馬氏,謝氏世表,美洲風采校友總會會長及會員,三藩市余紹賢堂主席余修德及評議 員, 加州平等權利委員會主席余淑婷以及來自紐約,南加州,市德頓,鳳凰城,企李崙埠,西雅圖等地的余風采堂元老、總長、總顧 問、顧問、主席及職員、宗親等。

宴會由余子剛書記長主持,總堂余允仁主席首先致歡迎詞,對參加宴會的各位嘉賓表示歡迎。接著,美西總長余臻發,美東總長 余顯良分別致春宴詞。 世界余氏宗親總會會長余杰民元老致祝賀詞。

高占生總領事致詞時高度評價和贊賞余風采總堂宗親愛國愛鄉的精神,以及為促進僑社繁榮和中美友好作出的貢獻。 中華總會館代總董李波及胡衍富主席在致詞中也充分贊揚了余風采總堂歷史悠久,和諧團結,人才眾多,服務僑社。

余胤良博士,朱嘉文市參事等也分別致詞並頒發賀狀。總堂副主席余振兆致答謝詞。 總長、元老、總顧問、顧問和主席等向嘉賓敬酒。文娛組余洪民主任主持歌唱和音樂節目助興。


祭品備有全蹄金豬六盆,醒獅團登樓拜祖獻瑞。 禮成後大家享用午膳並合影留念。

香港風采中學師生蒞臨開平風采中學參觀指 導

開平風采中學梁盛濃校長(右) 與香港風采中學曹啟樂校長交換紀念品時合影。

三月十七日,風和日麗,在這個春意盎然的日子裡,我們很榮幸地迎來了遠方的客人。 "香港風采中學"師生一行五十餘人蒞臨我們"開平風采中學",進行了為期一天的考察指導。

通過這次面對面的交流活動,我們两間"風采中學"加深了彼此之間的友誼。 港澳與内地在教學模式、辦學理念方面存在着一定的差異, 各有各的優點。通過這次高層對話,雙方都感覺視野得到開闊,學到了很多寶貴的經驗。


開平風采中學訊 - 作者:高翼飛


                    Spring Banquet
余風采堂全體理、監事、元老、顧問合影 (華僑時報)。

據滿地可華僑時報報道,在滿地可華埠擁有八十九年歷史的余風采堂, 於三月廿五日舉行祭祖及春節聯歡宴會,迎來了一個喜氣洋洋的盛大節日。

當日中午,堂所內已陸續擠滿了男女宗親,虔備三牲酒醴,舉行祭祖儀式,宗親們輪流上香,慎終追遠,以表孝思, 之後茶會及麻將耍樂,一如往年者然,氣氛愉快、歡樂。

晚上七時,又假華埠紅寶石大酒樓舉行慶祝春節聯歡宴會,到會同慶的有中國駐加大使館李桂喜參贊兼總領事、 石偉一等秘書兼領事及林秘書。 其他還有本市多位僑團首長、社會知名人士、各界友好及馬氏世表等,濟濟一堂,冠蓋雲集,氣氛熱鬧而融洽。

余紹然主席在致詞時對貴賓們的光臨表示熱烈的歡迎和衷心的感謝,並作過往工作的回顧, 且介紹全加余風采堂第十五屆懇親大會已定於本年八月假愛民頓舉行, 以及第四屆世界余氏懇親大會將於明年在馬來西亞召開,屆時一定將有一番熱鬧,希望宗親們撥冗踴躍參加。

李桂喜參贊在講話時不忘對余風采堂的活動給以高度的評價及良好的祝願; 跟著,司儀余美紅便邀請余文蔚向大會介紹余風采堂本屆新職員名單和座上嘉賓, 以及慷慨惠贈賀金者芳名,最後由余海俊副主席致謝詞和眾委員逐桌向嘉賓敬酒致意。

整晚文娛節目由洪門民治黨閒園音樂研究社部份社員負責進行,一直不斷演唱,無論時代曲、粵曲均有超水準的演出, 非常精采,繞樑三日。宴會一直至深夜十時許才隨著抽獎節目的結束而告結束,各人才盡興而歸,誠盛會也。

二埠余風采堂春 節聯歡慶會

二埠余風采堂於三月三十日假座本埠麗寶樓海鮮大酒家舉行新春聯歡慶會,筵開四十五席, 近四百五十多名嘉賓及宗親出席,場面溫馨熱鬧,喜氣洋洋。


來自本埠各僑界首長、社會賢達及三藩市余風采總堂宗親首長,士德頓的余氏宗親和馬氏世表均蒞臨慶賀。 文娛組卡啦屋企更高歌歡唱,悠揚樂曲掀動了全場的歡樂。

                    Spring Banquet noon ceremony

當日中午十二時舉行祭祖,虔具全蹄金豬七只,禮成後,向本堂七十五歲以上的耆英頒發敬老金及照相留念。 隨後全體宗親及嘉賓共享豐盛午膳。




在本堂主席余汝晃的帶領下,一行來到現場,大家分頭清理雜草,獻上鮮花,擺放三性祭品,燒香奠酒,並行三鞠躬禮, 表達了追恩孝道的感情,為余氏宗親做了一件好事。






開平風采中學訊 - 作者:高翼飛




整個活動過程中,彼此之間的交流都是通過英語進行,因此學生們覺得很新奇,很感興趣,雖然口語還不是很熟練, 但每個人都嘗試去表達自己的觀點,現場氣氛非常濃烈。

劉平齋紀念學校的學生還即場表演了話劇、舞蹈等,最後還舉行了乒乓球比賽。 通過這次交流,學生們紛紛反映機會難得,學到了很多東西,立定决心要學好英語,提高自己的含金量和增强競爭力, 希望學校以後多一點提供這樣的交流機會。

開平風采中學訊 - 作者:劉能


                    Anniversary Celebration


奉獻金豬祭祖者,計有余文勁,余自任,余文澤,余國寧夫人,余文偉夫人和余俊傑夫人,每人奉獻「一頭」, 以表敬祖尊賢。




「雙親節」是念親恩,以慶祝雙親為名,既向母親致敬,也不忘向父親表達心意, 同時以促進家庭的親情和把孝道發揚光大。身為年輕一輩,應多給父母關懷,讓他們開心,感到親情的溫暖,因為世界上最珍貴的東西是「親情」。



紐英崙余風采堂於五月十八日在余氏公所舉行慶祝「雙親節」聚餐。 為了節省經費,除了大蛋糕外,所有美食佳餚都由婦女會成員親自掌廚,並邀請年長者共同享用。

紐英崙余風采堂宗親祝天下所有父母「雙親節」快樂, 永遠健康!

菲律濱余風采堂獎教、獎助學誌 盛


本堂聯合本會屬下之余風采堂慈善教育基金會在二零零八年六月一日(星期日)上午十時在本堂三楼風采禮堂舉行獎教、 獎助學。


在司儀曾淑茜老師宣佈大會秩序開始後,即由余文皇主席致開會詞,佢語重心長地鼓勵子弟們努力、加强學習中華文化, 以便將來可以學以致用,服務社會。 對老師們辛勤教導學子,傳承文化,作育英才的偉大貢獻,給予肯定。

余百正教育基金會董事亦發表了熱情洋溢的勗勉之詞,並謂:文化交流當由儒學傳承開始,儒學,即儒家思想,是中華文化 的重要組成部分, 它影響了成千上萬的中國人。孔聖賢(孔子)是中國山東曲阜人,後裔遍及世界各地,繁衍了八十多代,是世界時間延續最 長有記載的家譜。 儒家思想也使孔子成為中華(東方)文化的代表,影響了西方的學術界。孔子周遊列國傳授學說,請益各國名士,最後形成 儒家學說,受到後世人的尊崇與愛戴, 他的“中庸之道”影響了以後歷代朝廷。乾隆皇九下曲阜祭祀孔子先師的壯舉給後人留下深刻的印象。

孔子語錄: “修身齊家治國平天下”,“有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎”等都是最好的詮釋。 其實儒家思想能够在幾千年歷史的長河中一枝獨秀,而獨領風騷是因為他弘揚“尊師重道”,“大為無妄”的文化精神。 而且儒學最講究的是:孝(善事孝為先),禮(禮讓,禮貌),信(誠信,以誠相待),義(忠義,義令), 節(節約,節儉)等名言,影響了歷代文人墨客,皆留下深深的烙印。 所以我們要繼承和發揚優秀的道德品行,弘揚民族精神,和時代精神,形成良好的道德風尚,促進人類世界和平發展, 以及促進人類和諧共處的精神新風貌。

而今儒家思想影響了一代又一代的中國人,使它成為華夏子孫的精神食粮,它是幾千年來中華文明的結晶, 也是世界文化寶庫珍貴的奇葩和財富,希望我們既要吸起,傳承儒家思想的精華,又要弘揚儒家思想那樸實無華的文化素養。 以此立德立人,推己及人的高尚品格,語畢獲得全場掌聲不絕。


接着由主席余文皇,名譽理事長余振榮及諮詢委員余應 豪分别頒發優秀生獎學 金及獎狀, 教師鼓勵金和清寒子弟助學金。



余百正諮詢委員為了表示支持及嘉許本會每年頒發之獎教、獎助學,特於會後假座帝苑海鮮酒家設宴招待各位理事,老師, 優秀生及家長等人。 最後攝影留念,劃下完美句點。



下一期的風采電子季刊將在二零零八年九月中出版。歡迎大家投稿。 稿件需在二零零八年八月十五日前經電郵 (editor @ 或郵寄 (風采電子季刊,226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6A 1Z7) 到本刊編輯收。

In this Issue:

Message from the Editor

Reports from Yee Fung Toy Chapters

What is in the Next Issue?

Message from the Editor

Welcome to the 15th issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice, an electronic newsletter for the World Yee community.

In this issue we are featuring celebrations of the annual Spring Banquets from associations around the world.

The 7.8-magnitude earthquake, which devastated the south-western province of Szechuan on May 12 has left more than 69,000 dead, 370,000 injured, with 17,406 listed as missing and more than 4.8 million people left homeless. The world communities responded, reaching out with their helping hands, providing clean drinking water and sanitation services, distributing relief supplies including food, shelter materials, and medicare, donating money to help these quake victims to rebuild their lives and lost homes.

Members of the World Yee Family Association, The Yee Fung Toy Family Associations, the Yee Fung Toy Societies and The Hong Kong Yue Clansman, The students and teachers of the Fengcai Middle School, the students and teachers of Elegantia College also cared, contributing money to the various charitable organizations, which in turn forwarded the donations to the proper authorities in China to help those in need.

Thanks to everyone for contributing advice, articles, photos, and editorial assistance, including:

  • Edward Yee of Detroit
  • Frank Yee of New York
  • Frank Yu of Houston
  • Fred Yee of Seattle
  • David M. Yee, Edward Yue and Rudy Yee of Phoenix
  • Henry Yu and Melinda Yee of Sacramento
  • Larry Yee of San Francisco
  • Martin Yee, James Yu and Wing Yee of Vancouver
  • Richard Yue of Hong Kong
  • Winston Yee of Boston
Jim Yee, Vancouver

Fung Toy Campus Activities

Celebrating the 104th Anniversary of the Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada

The Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada celebrated its 104th anniversary and the Chinese New Year of the Rat on February 23, 2008.

                    YFT 2008 Ancestor Ritual

The ancestor ritual Ceremony at noon.

The ancestor ritual started at 12:00 noon in the YFT House on 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. where Chairman Mr. Kan Yu, the YFT advisors, and the Board of directors made offerings to our ancestor Yee Chung-sheung. Mr. Steven Yee emceed the afternoon ceremony.

Special guests who attended this ceremony include B.C. MLA Mr. Richard T. Lee; YFT Society of Montreal Advisor Mr. and Mrs. Wing Shui and our cousins from the Mah Society and the Tse Clansman Association.

                    Women's Choir singing the YFT Song  Afternoon festivity attendees

After the ritual our YFT women's Choir sang the YFT Society Song, Mr. Gary Yee delivered a welcoming speech that touched on the history of the Society. Congratulatory speeches from our guests. Followed by Mr. Shui Ji Yu who read the congratulatory letters, then Mr. James Yu gave the thank you speech. After the short ceremony, we all had lunch in the YFT House, we especially enjoyed the delicious home made traditional dim sum provided by members of the Tse Benevolent Association Women’s Committee.

                    Society of Canada 2008 Group Picture

YFT Society of Canada Board - 2008 Group Picture with Consulate General Yang Qiang and Judge Bill Yee.

Our Spring Banquet started at 6 pm at the Floata Seafood Restaurant. Honoured guests included the PRC Vancouver Consul General Yang Qiang; Vancouver City Councillor Mr. George Chow and Vancouver City Councillor Raymond Louie.

Also in attendance for the festivities were Seattle YFT Vice President Mr. Shum Yee and his wife, Advisor Mr. Fred Yee, Advisor Mr. Suey Yee and his wife plus two other Seattle guests.

Special guests included Judge Bill Yee, YFT Society of Montreal Advisor Mr. and Mrs. Wing Shui Yee, his famous son, Doctor John Yee and his family. Other guests included the Mah and Tse Benevolent Association cousins, Fung Toy Alumni, and other invited guests from the Chinese Community, and of course, our own YFT members and their families. We had over 400 people attend this festive gathering.

The Banquet festivities began with the traditional Lion dance performed by the YFT Youth Group, followed by the Yee Fung Toy Song sang by the Ladies Choir of the Recreation Committee.

                    Emcees Esther Yue and James Yu  Lion Dance Group

Ms. Esther Yue, and Mr. James Yu emceed the formal evening program. Both Esther and James did a fantastic job emceeing.

As usual, Mr. Kan Yu delivered a wonderful welcoming speech. Anniversary Greetings from the PC Vancouver Consul General Yang Qiang, City Councillor Mr. George Chow and City Councillor Mr. Raymond Louie. After the speech by the YFT Society of Vancouver Chairman Mr. Jim Yee, who gave an account of the 2007 YFT events and the upcoming 2008 events. Mr. James Yu read out all the guest list and thank everyone who attended this anniverary event.

Scholarship recipients Group picture
2008 Scholarship Recipients.

Both Mr. Phillip Yu and Mr. David Yee emceed the Vancouver YFT Scholarship Awards. There were 18 outstanding students this year. Five students were from the Elementary level: Natalie Yu, Ashley Yu, Christopher Yee, Allison Yu and Nicholas Yee. Twelve students were from the Secondary level: Maurice Yu, Nicole Yu, Anna Yee, Jackson Yu, Kayla Yu, Miranda Yu, Peter Yu, Elizabeth Yee, James Yu, Polly Yu, Tiffany Yu and Alvis Yu. One from University: Annabelle Yee.

Mr. Phillip Yu and Esther Yue emceed the entertainment portion of the program. Performances by the Fung Toy Alumni and songs from the Women’s Singers were followed by a few guest Karaokes.

Judge Bill Yee, Seattle's YFT Family Association Advisor Fred Yee and several guests sang Karaoke for us.

This anniversary cerebration was a tremendous success! Thanks to the volunteers and YFT board members who helped to organize this annual event. Hope to see you all next year.

Martin Yee, Vancouver

Houston Yee Family Association 2008 Spring Banquet & Scholarship Awards

The 20th Yee Fung Toy Association Banquet was held on February 24th, it was a smashing success with PRC consulate officials and Taiwan Economic and Cultural office staff attending.

A total of 220 people attended this yearly function and 17 Yee youngsters were awarded scholarships.

                    Scholarship group
2008 Scholarship Recipients.

Last year, when Fang Li and Zhou Ding witnessed that none of our young scholarship recipient could utter a word of Chinese, they offered $200 seed money for our association to promote the Chinese language.

A year later, all of them said something to express thanks and appreciation; Mathew Bruce and Michael Yu both gave their acceptance speeches, in Chinese of course.

The scholarship recipients were: Michael Fan (范凱靜), Abigail Yee, Emma Yee, Michael D. Bruce (永基), Mathew J. Bruce (永杰), Elizabeth Yee (余美華), Kevin Yee (余健輝), Melody Yee (余誠娟), Dana Joe (周穎賢), Jeffrey Joe (周銘仰), Theresa Yee (余穎欣), Ying Tung Yu (余影彤), Lucinda Yu (余西好), Michael Yu (余建豪), Peter Yu (余建威), David Yee (余柏健) and Denise Chee (朱珍兒).

                    YFT Youth Choir
Houston YFT Youth Choir.

In Sound of Music, the Von Trapp family sang Edelweiss; we have the Bruce family sing O My Darling Clementine (in Chinese again), with the audience joined in for the chorus. Mark Bruce played the guitar, Dona and Chi Chi Zhong played the violin in support.

Frank Yu, Houston

New York YFT Association 2008 Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration

Sun neen fai lok「新年快樂!」, sun tai keen hong「身體健康!」to all as we welcome the Year of the Rat, 4706. The New York Yee Fong Toy Association held its Chinese Lunar New Year and honoring senior members’ celebration on Saturday, March 1, 2008.

Luncheon attendees.

Shortly after noon, our newly elected President Gong Sum 鋼深 joined with our leadership, members, cousins from Boston chapter, Ma & Tse associations to participate in our traditional ancestor worship ceremony.

                    Gong speaking during luncheon opening ceremony 

After the usual formalities, President Gong Sum welcomed everyone and proclaimed the start of the day’s celebrations. Deputy Inspector Gin Yee 余振源 also joined us as we all enjoyed the buffet luncheon.

The evening Spring Banquet gala was again at Jing Fong Restaurant. A uniqueness throughout the evening was that life is full of choices and that one needs to take some risk to gain the rewards. As guests came, a group of the Women’s League staff greeted them all. However, this year the staff decided to dress in traditional red jackets. This refreshing look added such a festive atmosphere to the occasion. The restaurants quickly fill with nearly 1000 attendees.

photo op with
                    vip guests: CCBA Pres. Justin Yu, TECO Director
                    General Kenneth Liao & others
Photo op with vip guests: CCBA Pres. Justin Yu, TECO Director General Kenneth Liao, Deputy Inspector Gin Yee & others.

As expected, the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association group led by newly installed President Justin Yu 于金山, Lin Sing Association President James Wong 黃達良, Hoy Sun Ning Yung Association President Alex Wong 黃英漢, Kenneth K.M. Liao 廖港民 (the new Director General of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in New York) as well as many others arrived early.

Following a brief stay and photo op, the group had to return to their installation celebration. Next, was an historical moment for our New York Yee family. The Consul Zhu Liu 朱柳 of the People’s Republic of China in New York arrived to attend our celebrations. This was truly the dawn of a new era, all we had to do was ask. Also attending were Deputy Director General William W. Lin 林維揚 and Director James Wei 魏煥忠 of TECO in New York.

Historical moments for us.
Consul Zhu of PRC in NY and Deputy Director Lin of TECO of NY.

Then, our Grand Elder Peter 耿石 was placed in a unique situation when Deputy Director Lin asked if he can sit with Consul Zhu of PRC. To Grand Elder Peter’s exuberance, Consul Zhu agreed when asked. Peter, then taking a risk, said to Consul Zhu that he had a dream that the two representatives would shake hands, after all we are all Chinese. Again to Peter’s amazement, Consul Zhu agreed. We were all in awe that one historical moment led to another.

Welcoming and introducing everyone was Women’s League President Kennie 錦娉 who also acted as Master of Ceremony for the night. Shortly after President Gong Sum’s opening remarks, a few of the Boston’s Women’s League joined our Women’s League group for a singing debut of traditional Chinese New Year songs. Everyone was enchanted by the performance that included some dancing routines.

                    Spitzer's Proclamation & letter : Kenneth, Lai
                    Sun, George Hu, Gong  Manhattan BP Stringer's Proclamation: Gong,
                    Jimmy Yan, Kenneth

Before continuing, I would like to acknowledge the following people: New York State Governor Spitzer for sending representatives Lai Sun Yee and George Hu to present us with a Proclamation as we celebrate the Lunar New Year, the Year of the Rat; Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer for sending Jimmy Yan to present us also a Proclamation; New York City Comptroller William C. Thompson Jr. for sending Sandra Ung to present us with a Commendation; and finally, Councilman John Liu for taking time out of his busy schedule to bring a Proclamation and say a few congratulatory well wishes for the New Year. John has been an advocate for Asian affairs and we need to support him so we can have a voice in government.

Boston raffle
                    winner  Raffle winner Sally with South Sea pearl
                    necklace from Kathy's Design

The free raffle was such a hit last year, we had to do it again. We want to thank Kathy Design, Ltd., Jing Fong Restaurant, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Yee, Mega/Merica School and White Swan Bakery for donating to the 21 gifts that were raffled off. The evening was also filled with entertainment from the DJ 李國帡 and his performers. They even got President Gong Sum to participate in one of their routines.

Pres. Gong
                    with jacket on, along girl tied up, curtain goes up  Curtain comes down, jacket is now on girl still
                    tied up, question is how

A picture is worth a thousand words, but being there is much better. For those who did not come, there is always next year. But the choice is yours, you need to act early. As a reminder, the 2009 National Yee Family convention will be in New York City and fast approaching. It will be quite a busy time with the need of resources and help. Make the choice to volunteer; the rewards could be enlightening. This evening does not just happen. Many hours and efforts goes into making this work. So, once again thank you all for making this year another joyous event and hope to see everyone next year.

For more pictures, please click here.

Frank Yee, New York

Phoenix Yees Celebrate the New Year at Spring Banquet

Sounds of "Gung Hay Fat Choy" filled the room at the Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Family Association Spring Banquet held at the Great Wall Hong Kong Cuisine Restaurant on Saturday night, March 1st. Over 390 Yee Family members and friends enjoyed an evening together to celebrate the Chinese New Year of the Rat.

Los Angeles YFT Association President Stanley Yee and his wife Amy, Western U.S.Grand Vice President Alan Yee from Los Angeles, Western U.S. Grand President Joseph Yu and his wife from San Francisco and Grand Elder John M. Yee and his wife from Phoenix.

Honored guests included Western U.S. Grand President Joseph Yu from San Francisco and Western U.S.Grand Vice President Alan Yee from Los Angeles. Los Angeles Yee Fung Toy Association President Stanley Yee and his wife Amy were present for the evening festivities.

A special highlight of the evening was the recognition of Mrs. Sue Hing, who is the eldest Yee Family member in attendance. President Rudy Yee presented a red envelope with lucky money to her for this honor.

President Rudy Yee and Mrs. Rudy Yee (Mary Ann) with scholarship students.

Outstanding Yee students were presented scholarships for their scholastic achievements. High school students include Kaysey Fung of Xavier College Preparatory, Elizabeth Yee of Washington High School, Megan Yee of Desert Mountain High School, Tyler Tompkins of Saguaro High School, Stephanie Yee of Hamilton High School, and Michael Wong of Horizon High School. Junior high scholarship winners included Zachary Yee and Emily Yee. Chinese school winners were George Yu, John Yu, and Derek Yu. All outstanding students expressed their appreciation for the Yee scholarships and the support of their proud parents.

The Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Association expressed its grateful appreciation for everyone and their participation in this joyful event. Thanks to the generosity of the Great Wall Hong Kong Cuisine Restaurant, New Hong Kong Restaurant and the Super L Market for providing the gift certificates for the raffle drawing. Everyone enjoyed another New Year dinner with family and friends and is looking forward to next year's Yee Spring Banquet.

Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Rudy Yee, Phoenix

New England YFT Spring Banquet

The Spring Festival and Seniors Appreciation Banquet was held at the Empire Garden Restaurant on Saturday, March 8, 2008.

Gilbert Ho, President of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of New England, presents CBA Award Certifcates to President Ho Lee (right) and Vice President Jack (left).

from Yee's
                          Banquet Album by Ken Lee  from Yee's Banquet Album
                          by Ken Lee

  from Yee's Banquet Album by Ken Lee from Yee's Banquet
                            Album by Ken Lee from Yee's Banquet
                            Album by Ken Lee 

from Yee's Banquet Album
                          by Ken Lee  from Yee's Banquet Album
                          by Ken Lee

Photos courtesy of Ken Lee, brother of Sarah, Chairperson of NE YFT Women's Committee.

Detroit YFT Spring Banquet

The Detroit Chapter held its Spring Banquet at the Golden Harvest Restaurant in Warren, Michigan on Sunday, March 16th.

About 100 members and friends were in attendance and enjoyed a delicious meal consisting of the following dishes:

Bird's Nest soup
Breaded squab, shrimp, ham, lettuce with noodles, orange slices
Fried shrimp, squid
Roast chicken
Tofu, lily root, scallops, mushroom, shrimp
BBQ pork
Steamed fish
Walnut shrimp with broccoli
Cantonese style Lobster
Topioca pudding.

Edward Yee, Detroit

Elegantia College Students and Teachers Visited the Kaiping Fengcai Middle School

Group picture of students and teachers.

Fifty Elegantia College Students and teachers visited the Kaiping Fengcai Middle School on March 17, 2008.

Through this one day face-to-face exchange of educational ideas and informations, the relationship and friendship between the two schools were bolstered and deepened.

Sacramento YFT Spring Festival Celebration and Banquet

We welcomed the Year of the Rat and celebrated the Spring Festival on Sunday, March 30, 2008.

                    Spring Banquet Group Photo at Chapter

We all enjoyed a Dim Sum Lunch at our YFT Office after paying homage to our ancestors at noon.

Our senior citizen members who are 75 and over received lucky red envelopes and had their pictures taken.

In the evening, the 2008 Spring Banquet dinner was held at the Rice Bowl Restaurant.

Close to 450 guests attended our Spring Banquet this year. Guests from the San Fransciso YFT Headquarter, guests from the Stockton YFT Chapter, our Mah cousins and honored guests from the Sacramento community.

Dr. and
                    Mrs. Herbert Yee at the Head Table
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Yee at the Banquet Head Table.

Sacramento Grand Advisor Gene Yee
Sacramento YFT Grand Advisor Gene Yee.

                    Yee belts out another popular Chinese Song  Sacramento YFT President Stanley with
                    Dr. David's Dad
Vivian Yee belts out another popular Chinese song (left) while President Stanley Yee offers a bit of Spring Festival "Cheer" to a former Sacramento YFT Board member (English Secretary), Dr. Robert Yee (Dr. David Yee's Dad).

Dr. David
                    Yee with NBA All-Star Kevin Johnson
Dr. David Yee with Three-time NBA All-Star Kevin Maurice Johnson.

Photos courtesy of Dr. David Yee, grandson of Dr. Herbert Yee.

Christian Alliance P.C. Lau Memorial International School Students Visited the Fengcai Middle School

P.C. Lau
                    Students Visits

On April 19, 40 students and teachers from the Hong Kong Christian Alliance P.C. Lau Memorial International School visited the Kaiping Fengcai Middle School. During their visit they carried on a cultural exchange activities with the Kaiping Fengcai Middle School Class 4 and 5 students.

The entire exchange process between the school students were carried out in English. These students were having a great time as they were attempting to express their own viewpoints in English.

乒乓球比賽  表演了舞蹈

The P.C. Lau Memorial International School students performed a modern day drama and a dance routine for the Fengcai audience, and they also joined in a friendly ping pong competition.

Through this exchange, the students have reflected of this rare and unique opportunity, that they have learned many things, they also decided and determined to learn more English and to enhance their own competitive ability. The Fengcai Middle School students hoped that the school will provide more similar exchange opportunities in the future.

The Phoenix Yee Fung Toy Celebrates 19th Anniversary

                    YFT 19th Anniversary Celebration

The Phoenix Yee Fung Toy recently celebrated their 19th Anniversary of acquiring the Yee Fung Toy Building. Over 100 family and friends filled the meeting Hall on Sunday, April 27th for all the food, fun, and festivities. A large scrumptious buffet lunch of Chinese dishes was served and enjoyed by everyone. Six (6) roast pigs were donated for this special event and all Yee Family members were given a portion to take home.

                    Anniversary Celebration

Grand Elder, John M. Yee expressed his delight in seeing everyone enjoy the celebration and all the delicious food and home make pastries. He said, "We need to have more celebrations to enjoy the fun and fellowship of the Yee Family and friends".
Rudy Yee, Phoenix

Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association Members Attended China Earthquake Relief Dinner

Twelve members of the Seattle Chapter of the Yee Fung Toy Association were among those attended a Chinatown dinner at Ocean City Restaurant for the relief of earthquake victims in China.

The earthquake that struck Sichuan province on May 12, along with the many aftershocks, killed over 70,000 people, and 19,000 are still missing.

The Northwest Asian Weekly reported that the June 1 event which was organized by Chinatown community organizations raised $166,596 for earthquake victims in China — a record-breaking amount accomplished with just two weeks' preparation, thus exceeding the original goal of $100,000.

The strategies these organizations used to raise that much money can be employed by other groups who are planning similar charitable events.

Most of the money was raised during a live auction and dinner, held for 540 people at Ocean City Restaurant.

Fred Yee, Seattle

YFT Society of Vancouver Members Attended China Earthquake Relief Fundraising Dinner

Wing Yee,
                    on behalf of the TFY Society of Vancouver, accepts
                    memento from CBA of Vancouver
Wing Yee (second from the right), accepts memento from the CBA of Vancouver on behalf of the YFT Society of Vancouver.

The Chinese Benevolent Association of Vancouver and the Chinese Community hosted the China Earthquake Relief Fundraising Dinner on Friday, June 13th, 2008 at the Floata Seafood Restaurant.


Aside from individual donations, 20 members of the YFT Society of Vancouver supported this worthy cause, each bought a dinner ticket with portion of the ticket ($20) going directly to the China Earthquake Relief Fund, care of the Red Cross Society of Canada.

Emcees for the Fundraising event were Mr. Jun Ing and Ms. Fanny Zhou.

We all stood for three minutes of "moment of silence" before the fundraising program starts, paying tribute to the recent May 12 victims of the disaster area that have been severely affected by 7.8 magnitude earthquake. This quake is considered to be a major catastrophic event.

The Canadian Government, along with the Provincial Governments, and many generous, concerned people from all across Canada, responded and donated huge sum of money and supports to help the people in Szechuan to rebuild their homes or shelters. In addition, providing food aid and technical assistance.

The quake victims of the Szechuan Province will soon find comfort and safety with the help from the donors of Canada, and donors from all over the world.

The Fundraising program included introduction of guests, speeches from the Chairman of the fundraising Committee, Mr. Mike Jang, the Consul of the PRC, Mr. Chen RiBiao, and representives from the three levels of Government. Auctions, Karaoke fundraising variety show, memento presentations and raffle draws filled up the evening program.

The CBA of Vancouver President, Mr. Mike Jang was so proud to announce that they have raised over $1 million dollars to date, doubling the amount of money they had targeted for.

Martin Yee, Vancouver

What is in the Next Issue?

The next issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice will be published in mid September of 2008, featuring summer picnics and other activities at Yee Fung Toy associations around the world. Please submit your articles to the Editor via email (editor @ or postal mail (The Editor, 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6A 1Z7) by August 15, 2008.

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