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              of Spring
Issue 22 2010/04/21


世界余氏宗親總會第四屆 (2010年)懇親大會、







世界余氏宗親總會第四屆(2010 年)懇親大會





                    2010 FTM Issue Cover  FTM
                    Spring 2010 Issue Contents    









今期的「風采電子季刊」面世的時間, 比原定出版日期遲了,編者特此先向各位宗親、讀者深深致歉。

本人及「風采電子季刊」編輯部助手余柏寧先生因在出版期間出國了去參加馬來西亞余氏總會、 雪隆余氏公會協辦的「世界余氏宗親總會第四屆懇親大會」,荻海名賢余忠襄公祠開幕典禮活動以及度假。


這期的「風采電子季刊」以「各地余風采堂舉行新一屆職員就職儀式」為主題。 各風采分堂之活動由各余氏宗親會提供,給大家一齊分享。


最後,希望「風采電子季刊」能繼續為余氏宗親們服務,更感謝各分堂的投稿人士努力協助、支持和包涵,供給文章、相片、和社論。 特別是以下(這期)人士的貢獻:

  • 香港余氏宗親會主席余健倫先生、余華軸先生。
  • 加拿大温哥華余風采堂的余柏寧先生、余金星先生、余榮燊先生。
  • 加拿大卡加利余風采堂的余策源先生。
  • 美國斐匿余風采堂的余文澤先生、余長全先生、余偉虹女士。
  • 美國紐英崙余風采堂的余厚利先生、余定邦先生、余超群先生、余芷筠女士。
  • 美國余風采總堂的余健全先生。
  • 美國二埠余風采堂的余李慕蓮女士、余庭穩先生。
  • 美國積彩余風采堂的余次屏先生。
  • 美國休斯敦余風采堂的余頌輝先生。




温哥華余風采堂理事會日前按章進行兩年一度的選舉,經初選及復選後, 誕生了二零一零至二零一一年度新一屆賢能,來協理堂務。


顧問: 余錫儒、余詠本、余根洙。
主席: 余美湛。 副: 余金星、余啓康。
理事: 余金星、余美湛、余啓康、余錦文、余栢寧、余耀祥、余漢銳、余瑞芝夫人、余碧瑜、余瑞芝、余冠栢。
侯補理事: 余萍相、余陳小玲、余超森、余鍚強。
書記: 余栢寧。副: 余萍相。
財政: 余萍相。副: 余耀祥。
核數: 余漢銳。副: 余榮燊。
交際: 余冠栢。副: 余金星。
福利組: 余啓康。副: 余鍚強、余漢銳。
耆英組: 余瑞芝。副: 余瑞芝夫人。
青年組: 余冠栢、余超森、余漢銳。
婦女組: 余碧瑜。副: 余錫儒夫人。
康樂組: 余馬麗芬。副:余陳小玲。
教育基金: 余漢銳。副:余耀祥。

温哥華余風采堂新舊職員交接典禮,定於二零一零年一月九日在堂所禮堂舉行。 總分堂定於一月四日下午六時三十假大煌海鮮酒家舉行新嵗團拜。



十二月十一日,台山市武溪中學迎來建校二十四週年及一年一度的獎教獎學金頒發典禮。 黃偉紅、關澤鋒、黃國忠等市領導及市教育、外僑等部門和白沙鎮有關領導出席了慶典活動; 香港余氏宗親會理事長余紹凱先生、余風采五堂會主席余健倫先生等四 十餘位余氏首長專程趕往學校為典禮致辭,並親自為獲得獎教獎學金的師生頒獎。


整個典禮和頒獎儀式簡樸而又熱烈。 黃國忠副市長在致辭中說,香港余氏宗親會、余風采五堂會歷來關心家鄉建設, 為台山捐款總額已過 3000 多萬元,其中對武溪中學的捐款超過 2600 萬,並在武溪中學設立了 500 多萬元的教育基金,基金總額為全市學校之冠。


在海內外余氏宗親和各界人士的關懷下,武溪中學廣大師生不負眾望,建校二十四年來,已培養了5000 多名優秀學子,二零零九年秋季,武溪在學更因突出的教學成績而獲批面向全市招生,這在農村中學中是極為少見的, 不但是對武溪全體師生勤教勤學、努力向上的回報,也是一個全新的起點。

二零零九年香港余氏宗親會、余風采五堂會、余尊德堂、 美國余風采總堂及各界余氏宗長一如既往支持武溪的建設和發展, 二零零九年度共捐資港幣 53 萬餘元、人民幣 16.7 萬元、美元 2000 元,他們的善行義舉,不僅為師生們提供了良好的學習生活環境, 更鼓舞著他們不斷進取,用實際行動報答關愛武溪的各界人士。

校慶活動上,師生們還表演了豐富多彩的文藝節目, 他們精彩的演出贏得了在場嘉賓的陣陣喝彩,在體現出武溪師生充滿熱情、 積極向上的精神風貌的同時,也向關注著武溪成長的各界人士送來了一份令人滿意的年終答卷。




主席: 余積堯、余厚利。
中文書記: 余景新、余美玲。
英文書記: 余寶愛、余國華。
財政: 余小蘭、余美媚。
核數: 余積炎。
理數: 余定邦夫人。
康樂: 余建興。
樓業主任: 余國濟夫人。
交際: 余文博、余定邦。
出席中華公所代表: 余俊明、余培 峰。
法律顧問: 余文博。

幹事: 余國濟。
婦女部主任: 余美后、余秀琴。
婦女部書記: 余厚利夫人。




紐英崙余風采堂於十二月十三日在公所內舉行二零一零年度職員就職典禮。 因臨近冬至節,所以同日舉行冬至節慶祝活動。 三十多位宗親齊聚一堂,塲面熱鬧。

中午十二時十五分,就職典禮按時開始,儀式簡單隆重。 先由新任主席積堯、厚利及仕昂元老、金爵元老、超群總長帶領全體宗親向忠襄公遺像行三鞠躬禮,再由積堯、厚利主席接受印信。

積堯主席致詞時強調團結的重要性。 厚利主席則感謝各宗親給予繼續服務公所的機會仕昂元老、金爵元老、超群總長先後致詞,語多嘉勉。 婦女部主任美后亦感謝日的工作人員烹製湯圓的辛勞。

冬至節的慶祝活動由婦女部主辦,上午九時即有很多位婦女到達現塲開始繁忙的工作。 凖備幾十人食用的湯圓並不容易,但各婦女都駕輕就熟,按時在簡短的就職儀式後提供湯圓給各宗親享用,共聚宗情。



舍路余風采堂於十二月五日,在年議大會上選出二零一零年度新屆職員,余汝深任正主席, 余耀東任副主席。二零一零年度全體新職員名單將詳列於舍路分堂綱站。

美西總顧問: 樹湛。
顧問: 家樂、士景、樹湛、士晃、海量、碩正。

正主席: 汝深。
中文書記: 傑鋒, 永鏇、盛昌。
西文書記: 仲鵬、永昌。
財政: 海量、耀東。
核數: 衛民、利民。
議長: 國定、耀青。
代表: 適儀(海量夫人)、家樂、健城。
總幹事: 立群。
婦女部: 樹湛夫人、海量夫人、汝深夫人、緒宏夫人、士晃夫人、余翠薇姑、余慧貞姑、余慧雙姑。

二零零九年度為舍路分堂忙碌又令人振奮之一年。 本分堂派出三位代表出席於八月間在紐約市召開之全美余風采堂懇親大會, 並給大會通選由本分室負責舉辦二零一二年度之全美余風采堂懇親大會, 本分堂對獲淮担任舉辦如此重大會議深感榮幸。 本分堂成員在海量顧問領導下己初步展開選擇大會會址之工作。

此外,本分堂亦定於二零一零年三月四日在連頓市「食得福海鮮酒家」舉辦新年晚宴, 有關此晚宴之詳細訊息將於不久之後公佈。



美國余風采總堂於十二月十三日選出二零一零年度新屆職員,余振兆任正主席,余允仁任副主席。 並定於二零一零年元月一日下午三時舉行新職員就任典禮。


元老: 杰民、文勁、習文、維慶、祝佑、仕昂、金爵、纘強、耿石、臻發、顯良。

總顧問: 樹湛、保忠、璞和、緒揚、振權、國雄。
顧問: 兆光、紹基、煥文、煦鴻、樹勳。

正主席: 振兆。
中文書記: 子剛、源益。
西文書記: 永源、武良。
財政: 周岐、洪進。
核數: 樹沛、超先。
交際: 煜煥、堯沛。
委員: 桐文、振垣、家聲、立群、春焯、育涓、啓正、仕超、遠正、文山、朝亨、文雅、凱熠、仕儒、翕暖、應祥、余濤、仲賢、新倫、 崇光、健峰。
總幹事: 立群。



賀!紐約余風采堂改選 余宏基、余典榮當選主席


元老: 維慶、耿石。
美東總長: 景新、超群。
美西總長: 健全、以信。
總顧問: 保忠。
顧問: 珷樂、應昌、鋼深。
名譽顧問: 廣一。
法律顧問: 馬淑華。
名譽法律顧問: 麗珊。
出席中華: 宏基、典榮。


正主席: 余宏基。
中文書記: 富國、紹炘。
英文書記: 美珍、應昌。
財政: 錦韶、永相。
核數: 棟榮、耀威。
交際: 靄瑜、炎正。
幹事: 儀樂、敬衛。
庶務: 偉球。

書記: 富國。
財政: 乾綱。
核數: 應昌。
委員: 錦娉、美珍、宏基、典榮。

中文書記: 富國。
財政: 乾綱、偉球。
核數: 紹炘。
庶務: 偉球。

組長: 余慧儀。
副組長: 余昭美。
財政: 余美珍。
核數: 余美娜。
公關: 余淑芬。
康樂: 余麗芳、余逸春。





余風采堂十二月二十七日下午一時舉行二零一零年新職員就職典禮。 中華公所主席于金山、台山寧陽會館主席伍權碩等眾多僑領出席觀禮。 出席典禮的宗親包括全美余風采堂美東總長余景新、顧問余應昌、 五分局局長余振源等,社區人士包括洪門致公堂主席許健生、源公所主席雷伯銳等。 在禮花炮的鳴響中,新老主席在嘉賓和會員的見證下交接印信(見圖)。

余景新表示,兩位主席余宏基和余典榮的當選可謂德高望重、眾望所歸, 他們在今年舉辦的全美懇親大會上充分表現出才能和聲望, 希望紐約余風采堂能在兩位新主席的領導下更創未來。

兩位新當選主席余宏基、余典榮先後致辭時表示,感謝各成員及鄉親的支持並給予機會, 他們將全力為宗親謀福利,為社會及僑社創造和諧。

當天就職的二零一零年度各科職員有:中文書記富國、紹忻;英文書記美珍、應昌; 財政錦韶、永相; 核數棟榮、耀威; 交際靄瑜、炎正;幹事儀樂、福銳;庶務偉球。 樓業委員會景新、富國、鋼深、乾綱、美珍、應昌、永祥、宏基、典榮。 余武溪別墅墅長福銳、永相; 中文書記富國; 財政乾綱、偉球。



美國余風采總堂於一月一日在堂所舉行新舊職員交接儀式。 由滿任中文書記余凱熠主持。 在元老余習文監交下,新任主席余振兆、副主席余允仁正式就任。

新屆主席余振兆致詞說,余風采總堂的一切行動歷來都是以總章為準則。 在總章的第九章第九條對各科責任制都有明確說明,所以各科職員的職責功能都能按步就班,希望在新的一年裡,大家共同努力, 將堂務更上一層樓。

他談到去年八月在紐約舉辦的懇親會,今年是執行去年懇親大會高層通過的所有決議行事。 他有決心與副主席余允仁及所有職員一起,在全體元老顧問的指導下,在各委員的支持下,同心協力,繼續開源節流, 將堂務更加發展壯大。

卸任主席也是新屆副主席余允仁在致詞中說,他特別感謝各位元老、顧問及全體職員的支持和努力, 使他過去在任的一年裡堂務能夠平穩推進。 希望余風采堂在新的一年裡,堂務更加興旺發達。

總長余健全亦發表了講話,感謝大家的全力支持和通力合作,使堂務發展迅速。 各科職員移交印信也於當日同步進行。

是日,還有元老祝佑、臻發、顧問煦鴻、樹勳等首長及職員, 婦女部首長職員等出席交接典禮。







在杰民元老、總顧問緒揚、振權監交下;由中文書記庭穩主持,新任主席樹雄從舊任主席汝晃接印上任, 各科職員也相皆同步交接。舊任主席汝晃致告別詞,表是過去一年在元老、 顧問及宗親支持下會務順利平穩發展,祝願新一年會務取得更大進步。

樹雄主席中英文致就職詞,感謝各位元老、顧問、宗親支持,在任內將極盡自己的能力,努力為堂所效力, 也希望大家和諧團結,支持共同搞好會務。 杰民元老講話希望全體宗親同心合力,繼往開來,互相配合支持,在新屆主席、職員、宗親的努力下,會務更上一層樓。



南加省余風采堂主辦第一屆  粵韻悠揚獻耆英慈善粵曲餐會

地點:960 N. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012

日期: 二零一零年 三月十三日(星期六)

時間:10:30am ~ 16:00pm

查詢資訊: 南加省余風采堂(213) 625-3151



新任昆士市地方法院法官達明宗長於一月三十一日恭備金猪香燭, 陪同夫人海倫女士和慈母李寶瓊女士一起到紐英崙余風采堂祭祖,感謝祖先庇佑,事業成功。

祭祖儀式由中午十二時開始,儀式非常隆重。 由達明法官主祭,余風采堂元老、副總長、主席、顧問及各職員陪祭。 到場觀禮的宗親及僑社人士非常擁躍,整個余風采堂被擠得水泄不通。 在美國土生土長的達明法官遵奉中國禮儀,在主席的引導下上香、敬酒、敬奉財寶、敬獻金猪。 然後用流利的台山話向在座各人發表演說,感念父母的栽培,夫人的協助。感謝各宗親的祝賀, 亦感謝各僑團領袖及長期好友蒞臨觀禮。 並表示對已開始的法官工作非常熱愛,今後將在工作崗位上加倍努力,不辜負大家的祈望。

余風采堂高層職員首先致詞祝賀。 到賀的僑團領袖及僑社聞人很多都受邀致詞,各人除讚揚他對華人社區的貢獻外, 亦追述同他的長期友誼。有些人與他在童年時已是好朋友,共同成長和奮鬥,度過難忘的青少年生活。 滿面笑容的法官媽媽李寶瓊女士亦受邀致詞,言詞真摯動人,令人感受到一位母親的滿足和喜悅。


余達明法官生長於華埠大同村,對華埠有一種深厚的感情。 在過去長期執業律師期間,除担任余風采堂法律顧問外,亦担任很多華埠社團的董事或法律顧問,替僑社爭取權益不遺餘力, 深受僑界敬重。 當日在場人士均祝福他歩歩高升,鹏程萬里。




顧問: 余厚義、余漢池、余錦彥。
主席: 余頌輝、余世雄。
中文秘書: 余朱佩玲、余達賢。
英文秘書: 余頌輝、余世雄。
財政: 余美芳、余莉莉。
核數: 余修敏、余秀娟。
青年組: 余世傑、余素英。
獎學組: 余秀娟、余漢池。
網站: 余偉杰。
婦女組: 余朱愛花、余笑娟。



美東總長: 景新。
美東副總長: 超群。
美西總長: 健全。
美西副總長: 以信。
總顧問: 國雄。
顧問: 永吉、鴻詠、文顯。

主席: 積科、朝偉。
西文書記: 國倫、自麟。
中文書記: 鏡疇、康禮。
財政: 兆麟、國雄。
核數: 賢鐸、次屏。

議長: 品勇。
議員: 朝植、國宇、耀明、耀鵬、曼華姑、文顯夫人、乾海夫人、永吉夫人、國雄夫人、賢鐸夫人、康禮夫人、立和夫人、龍焯夫人、 余美蓮、卓文夫人、鏡疇夫人、國龍夫人、小曼姑、 Catherine Agacinski、Marilyn Yee、Wah Wong、Tony Yee、Dick Yee、Willy Yee、Raymond Yee、Brian Yee


Detroit Yee Fung Toy Family Association                                                        

P.O. Box 1184

Lincoln Park, Michigan




卡城余風采堂於二月廿七日(星期六)舉辦春節聯歡會暨該堂成立九十周年紀念,雙喜誌慶。 當天正午十二時正,先在會所禮堂祭祖紀念先賢,並設茶點招待鄉誼。 同日下午六時,在華埠富麗宮海鮮大酒家舉行晚宴,並頒發第十八屆獎學金予堂所的子弟。

當晚筵開逾五十席,出席嘉賓包括前省長簡欣、省議員鮑胡嫈儀、亞省副議長高元伉儷、 市議員高登羅、中華人民共和國駐卡城總領館領事李峰、大律師保文、紅十字會代表 Steve Armstrong、愛城四十多位余采風堂鄉誼、卡城馬氏宗親、卡城風采校友會代表,以及多個社團首長代 表。

晚宴司儀,由余慕慈和黎小娟擔任,並簡介該堂歷史和年來活動, 包括積極參與建設社區活動和舉辦郊遊燒烤遠足,及捐贈紅十字會二千六百多元,以響應救助海地地震災民等。

當晚文娛節目豐富,有白眉合勁道武術醒獅助興,卡城中樂推廣曲藝社演奏中樂新春名曲, 該社成員還表演武術和演唱悅耳國粵語名曲。

會長余策源祝願與會人士虎年身體健康,如意吉祥,並且演唱卡拉 OK 「往事能回味」及「來自廣東」等歌曲娛賓。

大會更邀請嘉賓簡欣和李峰主持頒發獎學金,並且安排獎品豐富的幸運抽獎。 壓軸表演更有百變魔術師余樹人表演精采「變臉」魔術,全場嘉賓歎為觀止。




由南加省余風采堂主辦,南加省余風采堂婦女組及洛杉磯銀河音樂曲藝社協辦之「第一屆粵韻悠揚獻耆英慈善粵曲餐會」,已於 2010 年 3 月 13 日(星期六),上午十時半至下午四時,在羅省金龍大酒家 (Golden Dragon Restaurant) 舉行,此次活動一方面是要把敬老愛老的精神傳揚下去,另一方面是慶祝粵劇粵曲是首項民間藝術獲列為世界非物質文化遺產, 也是中國二十二項世界非物質文化遺產的其中一項。 由於人力物力的限制,此次活動將以粵曲演唱為主, 中午十二時 敬備午餐、下午二時半 敬備下午茶。

此次活動得到余施橋先生、余伯挹先生、余以信伉儷、余黃娛鳳女士、關余小曼女士、 陳如莉女士、伍仲偉醫生、謝子直先生、譚寶瓊女士、關寶琴女士、Mrs. Chan Hing 及金龍大酒家出錢出力支持,免費招待 140 名耆英參加,而亦得到曲友的熱心參與,整個活動將筵開22席,全場門券一早已爆滿。

是日早上十時來賓便如貫入場,十時半由南加省余風采堂正副主席伯挹及施橋一同上台進行開鑼儀式。 鑼聲響起後,節目便正式開始,由洛杉磯銀河曲藝社全體樂師演奏小曲組合「銀河會、孔雀開屏、娛樂昇平、步步高」。 接著便演繹名曲四首,南唐殘夢----(余冠全、葉蕙棻)【陳植生頭架、胡燦光揚琴】,碧波仙子之證良緣----(葉聲輝、 英麗萍),殘夜泣箋 ----(余黃娛鳳)【陳植生頭架、胡燦光揚琴】,吟盡楚江秋---- (關淑怡)。

第一階段之演唱於中午十二時暫時結束,南加省余風采堂金牌司儀余玉玲女士主持致詞之程序,主席余伯挹上台致歡迎詞, 余風采堂總堂美西副總長余以信先生致祝賀詞,中華會館副主席馬國威、伍仲偉醫生分別致詞, 副主席余施橋先生致謝詞,並與各嘉賓,參演者一同拍大合照留念。在此亦進行午餐。

接著第二階段又響起,七月七日長生殿---- (王珮珍、岑若蘭),劫後描容---- (余冠全、譚寶瓊) 【譚略頭架、胡燦光揚琴】,秋夜夢魂香---- (余愛賢),啼笑姻緣 ---- (呂俊華),黛玉離魂---- (關寶琴、司徒碧珊)。 在此亦分享由謝子直送出之蛋糕、橙作甜品。余福沾顧問、陳焯湘夫人及有心人送出鮮橙汁。這個慈善粵曲餐會, 正顯示出各界善心人士對於此活動的支持,透過粵曲愛好者的善心公演,令到在場者有二百八十多人大家聚守一堂, 一同進餐又一同欣賞廣東獨有的文化,實在是人生一大樂事。

大會更準備了小禮物「美國心」送給到場之參與者,而這次餐會在下午三時多便結束,來賓都依依不捨,再期後會之期。 事實上此次活動經傳媒報導之後,很多社團及社會人士致電,贊揚此次「敬老」活動是相當有意義, 亦希望可以辦多一次,讓今次未能參加之長者可以參與, 本堂已經把他們的聯絡方法記下,以便日後優先給予他們。而各界人士捐助為長者餐劵者,絕對一分一毫是用在長者身上, 而大會上各項開支都是由本堂及歌友籌集。中華會館、伍競群夫人、吳健夫人、朱黃惠瓊、譚太及其親友、 趙尚賢等人即場捐出善款, 希望在今年內再辦一次如此有意義活動。因為這次活動是北美洲的創舉,也成了羅省盛事, 本堂希望以後可以有人力物力每年舉辦一次「敬老」活動,發揚為風采之光。

是日來賓有中華會館副主席馬國威、中華會館監事長李榮傑、中華會館監事長聶澤英、 中華會館其他成員如譚偉明、關梓漢…等人均出席見證這羅省盛事。



下一期的風采電子季刊將在二零一零年六月中出版,報導春節聯歡為主題。 歡迎大家投稿。 稿件需在二零一零年五月十五日前經電郵 (editor @ 或郵寄 ( 風采電子季刊, 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6A 1Z7) 到本刊編輯收。

Message from the Editor

Seasons Greetings!

The World Yee Family Association 4th (2010) International Convention

Yee Chung-sheung Ancestor Hall Opening Ceremony

Reports from Yee Fung Toy Chapters

What is in the Next Issue?

Message from the Editor

Welcome to the 22nd issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice, an electronic newsletter for the World Yee community. In this issue we are featuring stories and images of yearly renewal from associations of the Yee Fung Toy around the world, including celebrations of the New Year and installations of new Associaton Officers.

We apologize sincerely for the late publication of this Spring issue, as our web committee newsletters member, Martin Yee and I both spent approximately a month away from home, attending the World Yee Convention in Malaysia, our Ancestor Hall grand opening ceremony and a tour in China and Hong Kong.

The 4th World Yee Convention that was held in Malaysia from March 24th - March 25th was a tremendous success! Thanks to the 4th World Yee Convention organizing committee in Malaysia led by Chairman Yee Si Meng and Secretary General Yee Kai Yon.

The Yee Jing Ancestor Hall grand opening ceremony took place on March 28th in Kaiping, over 2000 participants attended this historical event. Further details will be posted in the Summer issue.

We gratefully acknowledge all the contributors to the current issue, including:

  • David M. Yee, Krystin Yee, Edward Yue and Rudy Yee of Phoenix
  • Frank Yu of Houston
  • Fred Yee of Seattle
  • Henry Yu and Melinda Yee of Sacramento
  • Ho Lee Yee, Winston Yee, Peter Yee and So Yee of New England
  • Jack Charles Yee of Calgary
  • Kai Yon Yee of Malaysia
  • Larry Yee of San Francisco
  • Martin Yee, James Yu and Wing Yee of Vancouver
  • Richard Yue, Johnson Yee of Hong Kong

Have a Nice Summer everyone!

Jim Yee, Vancouver

Greetings from San Francisco YFT Headquarters

Happy Holidays to All!

Our annual Christmas Party will be held on Sunday, December 20, 2009 starting at 12pm. Kids 12 years old and under that register earlier will receive a $20 Lai Sei, along with a lunch. All other family members that register will also receive a lunch. We will have Santa Claus there to ring in the Christmas holiday spirit.

On December 22, we will celebrate Winter Solstice by providing to our members who register “Yong” a.k.a Tangyuan, that is a meal with flour balls cooked in a savory broth with delicious items like fish cake, Chinese sausage, cabbage, Chinese carrot, meatballs, and anything the cook see right for the season. Winter Solstice Day is the end of the long nights and there will be days with longer daylight hours and therefore an increase in positive energy flowing in.

We will be visiting our senior’s in rest homes on December 23rd ringing in the holiday spirit. Each Yee patient will be provided a warm blanket and a $20 Lai Sei. To the care facilities, we will make a donation to them and to thank them for their service to the community. It is always great to see our seniors!

Larry Yee, San Francisco

San Francisco YFT Headquarters New Board of Directors

On Sunday, November 22nd at 10am, we elected 33 board members and 5 alternative members to serve on Headquarters board in 2010. The board members number changed from 45 board members down to 33 board members that was mandated at the 23rd Yee’s Convention in New York this year. Congratulations to the 33 board members and 5 alternatives members. The new officers elected to the Yee Fung Toy Family Association for 2010 are as followed:

President – Zhen Zhao; Vice President – Gene Yee;
Chinese Secretary – Zi Gong, Chair; Yuen Yick Yu Vice Chair;
English Secretary – Eddie Yee, Chair; William Yu Vice Chair;
Treasurer – Hung Chun Yu and Chiu Kay Yee;
Auditor – See Poy Yee and Kevin Yu;
Public Relations – Yuhuan Yu and Gill Yee
Welfare Committee Chair Yuhuan Yee; Vice Chair Jia Sheng Yu;
Other Members – Sze Chiu Yu, Qi Zheng Yu, Tony Man Yee, Chiu Kay Yee, Hung Chun Yu, Gill Yee and Yuan Zheng Yu.

Congratulations to the newly elected board members!

Outgoing Hop Wo member is Jak Min Yee; Incoming Hop Wo member is Tony Man Yee for 2010.

Installation of Yee Fung Toy Family 2010 Officers and board members will be held at HQs’ on January 1, 2010 at 3pm and dinner to follow at 5pm at New Asia Restaurant.

Please note that our Annual Spring Banquet will now be held on Sunday, April 18, 2010. Hope to see everyone there!

Larry Yee, San Francisco

Congratulations! De Shum Yee was elected President and Yao Dong Yu as Vice President

At the December 5, 2009 annual meeting of the Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association, De Shum Yee was elected President and Yao Dong Yu as Vice President.

The list of the new officers for 2010 will be posted on the Seattle Chapter's website.

2009 was an exciting and busy year for the Seattle Chapter.

The Chapter sent three delegates to the New York Yee Fung Toy National Convention in August and the Chapter was approved to plan and host the 2012 National Convention.

The Chapter is honored to be given this responsibility to host this important convention.

Members of the Chapter led by Fred Yee have begun preliminary work to locate a site for the convention.

The Chapter will also host the 2010 Annual New Year dinner on March 4, 2010 at the Renton Seafood Restaurant. More detail about the dinner will be available in the near future.

The 2010 election results as follow:

Senior Advisor West Coast:     
James Yee       

Advisors: Hing Yu
Jim Yee
James Yee

Suey Yee
Fred Yee
Shek Jing Yee
Presidents: Shum Yee
Yao Dong Yee

Chinese Secretary: Kit Fung Yue Wing Suen Yee
Sing Chong Yee                    
English Secretary: Chun Pan Yee
Danny Yu

Treasurer: Fred Yee
Yao Dong Yee

Fred Yee, Seattle

Travel the Silk Road the Houstonian Way Contest

About six years ago Frank Yu, Chairman of the Houston Yee Fung Toy Association, put up $1000 US for high school students in Toishan area to compete in an English to Chinese translation of his article: Travel the Silk Road the Houstonian Way.

No legitimate entry was received from any Yee students. Mr. Yu is now restructuring the contest as described below:

Traveling the Silk Road has never been a popular journey for most tourists. It is long, adventurous, energy-sapping, treacherous, and relatively expensive. It could be spiritually uplifting, though, if one chooses to re-enact and trace the path, the hard way, made famous by Marco Polo, who pioneered trading between the East and the West 700 odd years ago.


The author and his wife joined a group of Texas A&M University alumni (Aggies) for this adventure in June, 2004. He found the journey sufficiently worthwhile to be chronicled into an 8-page-5000-word article. The author expresses freely and uniquely as if to invite readers to chime in, a la Aggie talk. His subtle humor makes direct translation into Chinese difficult and would often be misleading. Nevertheless, the article is not without the inclusion of history, geography and demographic data. The contestants are strongly advised to do research so as to translate the historical sites and events in official Chinese names and terminology.

Eligibility: The translation contest is open to current students or research fellows of University of Houston, Rice University, Baylor College of Medicine, University of Texas Medical Center, Texas A&M University and Texas Southern University who are affiliated with UACA only.

Deadline:  January 17, 2010.

Procedures:  Provide a pseudo name, address, telephone number, and associated institution in the entry for later verification purposes. Download the English version of Travel the Silk Road the Houstonian Way by Frank Yu from website:

Translate the entire article into Chinese, insert the furnished (enhance/image-stretching/edit through Adobe Photoshop or equivalent is strongly recommended) photos as appropriate. Email the translated Chinese version in PDF format only to

Judging Criteria: Understanding of expressions, subtle humor, and style; names of individuals, sites, countries and Hollywood movie titles, shall be the authentic/official Chinese terminology upon translation. Demonstration of proficiency in desktop publishing and photo editing skill so as to enhance the quality of the translated document shall be considered.

Evaluation scores are: authenticity 45%, understanding/phraseology/expressions 45%, and text wrapping/photo editing 10%. Judging shall be done by panel members whose decision is final. Winners, upon verification of names, will be announced and awards presented at a 2010 Chinese New Year Eve function. The winning translation along with the original article will be published in the local Chinese newspapers.

Frank Yu is now ante up the total prize to $2,000 with $1,000 to the first prize and up to five for honorable mentioned prizes of $200 each.

His translation contest is now posted on

Frank Yu will make an exception to invite all Yee Fung Toy students to enter the contest, subjected to the same evaluation criteria and conditions as spelled out in the Contest Rules.

The level of education of the contestants is expected to be high: undergrads, grads and post-doc researchers. Good luck!

Martin Yee, Vancouver

NE YFT 2010 New Officers Installation & Winter Solstice

The New England Chapter of the Yee Fung Toy Association on December 13, 2009 conducted their installation of new officers for year 2010 ceremony as well as to celebrate the winter solstice.

At about 12:15pm, with over 30 people in attendance, the installation proceeding officially commenced. Lead by newly elected Presidents Jack and Jimmy Ho-Lee, accompanied by Grand elders Henry & Gim Dak, along with Grand VP Peter, they offered incense then lead everyone in the traditional 3 bow salute of respect to our Grand Ancester Chung-Sheung prior to the new presidents' symbolic ceremony of accepting the responsibilities of their duties from the Grand Elders & Grand VP.

The president then gave a short speech of appreciating everyone's kindness, and our members' dedication and support to the association. The vice-president thank everyone for allowing him to continue to work in brhalf of our association. The grand Elders and Grand VP each also gave similar short speeches praising our unity among members and respect of our association throughout the community. Women's Chair Mei Hau thank everyone for their support and the ladies who arrived at 9am to help prepare the "Ton Yuen".

At the meeting conclusion, 2 large tanks of "Tong Yuen" was brought out from the kitchen and the winter solstice luncheon celebration was observed. The hall quickly shift from the serious mood of a meeting mode to a very relax festive atmosphere as everyone lined-up with their bowls ready to scoop the food.

The 2010 election results as follow:

Presidents: Jack Jimmy Ho-Lee
Chinese Secretary: King Sun Linda                          
English Secretary: Paula Warren
Treasurer: Sarah Joanne
Auditor: Yim

Bookkeeper: Kathy

Recreation Director: Ken H

Property Manager: Sherita

Public Relations: Kenneth M Winston
Delegates to CCBA: Tony Jimmy Poy-Fone
Legal Advisor: Kenneth M

Office Manager: Kwok Chi

Women's Group Chair: Mei Hau Karin
Women's Secretary: So (Lotus)

Winston Yee, Boston

Congratulations to the New York YFT 2010 team

Installation of 2010 elected officers was held on Sunday, December 27th. Congratulations to the 2010 team.

National Grand President Eastern U.S.:
President: Kenneth Yee (New York)
Vice President: Peter C. Yee (New England)
National Grand President Western U.S.:
President: Larry Yee (San Francisco)
Vice President: Alan Y.S. Yee (Southern California)

Grand Elders: Wai Hing Yee, Peter Yee

Grand Advisor: John B. Yee

Advisors: Hem Fook Yee, Andy Yu, Gong Sum Yee

Presidents: Frank Yee, Dian Rong Yu

Honorary Advisor: Kwong Y. Yee

Legal Advisor: Ms. Mah Suk Wah

Delegates to CCBA: Frank, Dian Rong

Chinese Secretaries: Foo Quock Yee, Shao Xin Yu

English Secretaries: May Yee, Andy Yu
Treasurers: Jin Shao Yu, Sam Yee
Auditors: Dong Rong Yu, Yao Wei Yu
Public Relations: Jackie Yu, Eugene Yee
Building Presidents: Kenneth Yee, Gong Sum Yee
Honorary General Counsel: Lai Sun Yee

Women's League
Advisor: Kennie Yee
Presidents: Kathy Yu, Elaine Yee
Treasurer: May Yee
Auditor: May Eng
Secretary: Sally Chin
Public Relations: Maggie Yu
Recreation Directors: Helen Yee, Betty Yee

Lunar Chinese New Year Celebration
February 14th, Sunday
Gung Hay Fat Choy! Lunar Chinese New Year, the Year of the Tiger (4708). Members can stop by to get your hong boa/lai see (red envelope/lucky money). Firecracker Ceremony will be at Columbus Park, 11:00AM - 3:00PM.

Lunar New Year Parade & Festival
February 21st, Sunday, 11:30am - 4pm
Hosted by Better Chinatown Society.

Association's Chinese New Year/Spring Banquet
March 6th, Saturday
Association's Chinese New Year/Spring Banquet to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year and to honor senior members. Banquet will start at 6:00PM at Jing Fong Restaurant, 20 Elizabeth Street, NY 10013.

Frank Yee, New York

Congratulations to Sacramento's New Officers for 2010

Inauguration Banquet for 2010 Officers was held at Rice Bowl Restaurant in Sacramento on January 3rd. There was also a general meeting earlier that day.

Grand Presidents:
  • US East  - Kenneth Yee, Peter Yee
  • US West - Larry Yee, Alan Yee
Grand Elder: Dr. Herbert K. Yee
Grand Advisors: Hsui Young Yee, Gene K. Yee
Advisors: Kwok Ping Yu, John K. Yee, Sherman Yee, Donald Fong
Robert Yee
Vice President: Stanley Yee
English Secretary: Eugene Yee
Chinese Secretary: Henry Yee
Treasurer: Sam Yee
Assistant Treasurer: Shui Sum Yu
Auditor: Ock Ting Yee
Property Managers: Sherman Yee, Tom Yee
Legal Advisor: Jimmy Yee
Representatives to "Cheung Wah" Chinese Community Center: Stanley Yee, Herbert Yee, Tom Lee, Kwok Ping Yu, John Yee, Sherman Yee
Assistant Chinese Secretary: Oy Sun Yee
Assistant English Secretary: Art Yee
Assistant Auditor: Sui Mo Yee
Education: Robert Yee
Real Estate: Tom Yee
General Affairs: Sui Wah Yu
Other Committee Members: Stanley Yee, Art Yee, Henry Yee, Ock Ting Yee, Sam Yee, Shui Sum Yee, Oy Sun Yee, Mon Wai, Ting Watt, Robert Yee, Kwan C., Shui Wah Yu, Kui Jam, Ken, Run Hong, Tom Yee, Joe Leung, Sui Mo Yee, Yet Soon, Eugene Yee, Hong Mo.
Substitutes: David (Willie), Chuck

Chinese New Year Buffet Lunch & Homage to Ancestors
7 Feb, 2010 (Sun), 12:00pm to 3:00pm
All members are welcome to participate in our Chinese New Year Celebration events. After paying homage to ancestors, a buffet lunch will be served.

Chinese New Year Party
14 Feb, 2010 (Sun), 10:00am to 4:00pm
The Yee Association will hold a Chinese New Year Party beginning at 10 AM. All family members are welcome to join in this event.

Melinda Yee, Sacramento

Installation of 2010-2011 YFT Society of Vancouver Board Members

The Installation of the 2010-2011 Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver Board of Directors took place at the YFT Society Hall on January 9th, 2010.

Over 25 members and Directors witnessed this brief but important event. Albert Yu emceed the ceremony.

Led by Advisors Dick Yee, Wayne Yee and Kan Yu, the new Board were sworn in before the likeness of Ancestor Yee Jing and accepted their new responsibility and role in the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver.

Chairman Jim Yee accepted the Chairman position and received the YFT seal from Advisor Dick Yee.


Chairman Jim Yee is planning a get together for the Scholarship students before the Award Banquet (Mar 13) as a way for the students and their families to get to know one another and our Society.

He would also like to encourage our Scholarship students to participate in the S.U.C.C.E.S.S. " Youth Leadership Millennium (YLM) Holistic Leadership Training Program". This program is intended to help young people develop leadership and life skills and prepare them to be leaders in the future.

The annual YFT Society of Canada Spring Banquet will take place on March 13, 2010 at the Floata Seafood Restaurant.

Our annual picnic will be held at John Henry Park/Trout Lake Picnic Site on August 8th this year.

YFT Society of Vancouver 2010-2011
                    Board of Directors

The new 2010-2011 Board of Directors are listed as follows:

Dick Yee, Wayne Yee, Kan Yu

Chairman: Jim Yee

Vice-Chairs: James Yu, Steven Yee

Directors: James Yu, Jim Yee, Steven Yee, Gary Yee, Martin Yee, Phillip Yu

David Yee, Mrs. Shui Chi Yu, Benita Yee, Shui Chi Yu, Albert Yu

Alternates: Ping Sheung Yu, Shirley Yee, Larry Yee, George Yee

Secretary: Martin Yee, Ping Sheung Yu

Treasurer: Ping Sheung Yu, Phillip Yu

Auditor: David Yee, Wing Yee

PR: Albert Yu, James Yu

Welfare: Steven Yee, George Yee, David Yee

Seniors: Shui Chi Yu, Mrs. Shui Chi Yu

Women: Benita Lee, Georgina Yee

Youth: Albert Yu, Larry Yee, David Yee

Recreation: Rose Yee, Shirley Yee

Education: David Yee, Phillip Yu

Martin Yee, Vancouver

Judge Paul Yee visited YFT of New England

Winston Yee, Boston

Houston Yee Fung Toy Association Officers for 2010

Houston YFT officers

Congratulations! newly elected 2010 Officers.

Advisors: Lewis Yee, David Chung, Kam Yu
Chairman: Frank Yu, Alan Yu
Secretary(Chinese): Pauline Yee, Art Yee
Secretary (English): Frank Yu, Alan Yu
Treasurer: Winnie Yu, Lily Yu
Auditor: Paul Yee, Vicki Ong
Youth: Roger Yu, Elaine Yu
Scholarships: Vicki Ong, David Chung
Website: Richard Yu
Women Group: Sue Ann Chu Yu, Siu Yee
CCC Delegates: Lewis Yee, Frank Yu, Lily Yu, Roger Yu

Frank Yu, Houston

Calgary YFT Celebrates 90th Anniversary and Spring Banquet

The Yee Fung Toy Society of Calgary held their 90th Anniversary celebration on February 27, 2010.

People come to the banquet included ex-premier Ralph Klein, Chinese Consul Feng Lee, Deputy house speaker, Wayne Cao, MLA Terrisa Woo Pau. City Alderman, Gordon Lowe. Head of Alberta Red Cross, Steve Armstrong. Frank Yee, from Edmonton.

There were 530 people attended the party.

Jack Yee, Calgary

The Seattle Yee Family Association 2010 New Year dinner

The Seattle Yee Family Association held its 2010 New Year dinner on Thursday, March 4 at the Renton Seafood Restaurant.


About 70 members and friends attended the dinner, including Jim and Betty Yee and Esther Yu of the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver.

Seattle Chapter President De Shum Yee thanked all the guests for attending the dinner. Fred Yee, Seattle Chapter advisor gave a brief report of the progress of the initial planning efforts for the 2012 National Yee Convention to be held in Seattle.

The master of ceremony for the dinner was Kit Fung Yee, the Chapter's Chinese Secretary. Jim Yee of Vancouver brought greetings from Canada as well.

A marvelous multiple course dinner was served under the great supervision of Shek Jing Yee, co-owner of the Renton seafood Restaurant and a former Seattle Chapter President. The dinner ended with great joy!

More than 10 Seattle Yees will be attending the Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada Spring Banquet to be held on March 13 in Vancouver B.C.

Fred Yee, Seattle

Detroit YFT Spring Banquet


Our spring banquet was held on Sunday, March 14th at the Fuji Seafood Buffet in Madison Heights, Michigan.


We had 63 people in attendance and enjoyed a wide variety of buffet items, including dim sum, sushi, noodles, and a wide variety of fresh fish and seafood.


After dinner, there was a raffle of door prizes and karaoke to close the evening.

Photos courtesy of Cathie Agacinski.

Edward Yee, Detroit

What is in the Next Issue?

The next issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice will be published in mid June, featuring reports of Ching Ming and Spring celebrations at Yee Fung Toy associations around the world. Please submit your articles to the Editor via email (editor @ or postal mail (The Editor, 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6A 1Z7) by May 15.