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image of Autumn
Issue 24 2010/09/15






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                    Autumn 2010 Issue Contents    








送走了炎炎夏日,我們盼來了景色宜人的秋天, 新一期的「風采電子季刊」在一班余氏宗親們及世界余氏網站事務委員會的努力下,終於和大家見面了。 身為編輯的我當然是最開心的一個,隨著網路飛速發展,看著我們的成果誕生,實在很有滿足感。 記得當初像初生之犢般豪爽地接下這個重任,到了真正工作的時候才知箇中之苦。 因為完全沒有經驗的我們,在收集來稿、編排等工作中都遇到了許多的困難, 但幸運的是在製作中得到了許多余氏宗親們的幫助和支持,使「風采電子季刊」能夠順利誕生。 在這裡,我要向他們致以無限的謝意。

本期(第廿四期)以「夏季郊遊活動」為主題。 各分堂之夏日相關最新消息由各余氏宗親會報導,給大家一齊分享。 最後,希望各位宗親、各位讀者能在看完「風采電子季刊」後給予我們寶貴的意見, 使我們下次能以更佳的、更豐富的內容和大家見面。

為本刊之問世,我很感謝各工作人的努力協助和支持,供給文章、相片、和社論。 特別是以下人士的貢獻:

    • 加拿大温哥華余風采堂的余柏寧先生、余榮燊先生、余金星先生。
    • 加拿大點問頓余風采堂的余英華先生、余國基先生、余偉毅先生。
    • 加拿大卡城余風采堂的余策源先生。
    • 加拿大安省余風采堂的余穎俊先生。
    • 加拿大滿地可余風采堂的余紹然先生。
    • 美國三藩市余風采總堂的余健全先生。
    • 美國斐匿余風采堂的余文澤先生、余文勁先生、余長全先生、余偉虹女士。
    • 美國二埠余風采堂的余李慕蓮女士、余庭穩先生、余汝韶先生。
    • 美國紐約余風采堂的余宏基先生、余昭美女士、余錦娉女士。
    • 美國舍路余風采堂的余海量先生。
    • 美國南加省余風采堂的余國恩先生。
    • 美國積彩余風采堂的余次屏先生、余積科先生、余自麟先生、余國倫先生。
    • 美國紐英崙余風采堂的余厚利先生、余超群先生、余定邦先生。
    • 美國休斯敦余風采堂的余頌輝先生。
    • 美國企李崙余風采堂的余顯良先生。
    • 菲律濱余風采堂的余健華先生。
    • 香港余氏宗親會主席余健倫先生、余華軸先生。
    • 馬來西亞懇親大會籌委會秘書長余開雲先生。



和風柔陽好天氣,菌地花開春多美,告別嚴冬身心爽,春回大地萬象熙。 二零一零年五月三十日早上十時, 點問頓余風采堂廿多名理監事及宗親前往畢珠岡墓場的永逸亭進行拜祭余氏先僑活動, 中午十一時半在堂所舉行祭忠襄公儀式及自助午餐, 近一百五十位宗親歡聚一堂,熱鬧非常,宗親們捐出三頭金猪隆重拜祭忠襄公,還有十多位宗親捐出自己拿手的鄉土糕點、小食, 例如咸雞籠、咸脆花生、白糖崧糕、咸糍、芝麻糕等等,還有炒粉、炒麵、水果飲料等,午餐豐盛非常。 筆者思緒悠然而生: 鄉土糍糕齊共亨,身在外洋思故鄉。

卡城宗親來助興,情誼千里两相連。 卡加利余風采堂策源主席和文雅書率領三十六位宗親驅車幾千里前來参加我點城風采堂春宴,令我們十分感動。

晚上六時,余風采堂暨風采體育會在龍廷大酒樓筵開三十席舉行春宴聯歡, 宴會開始唱國歌後, 點城余風采堂新屆理監事宣誓就職,新任理事長英華致詞,他說,古時有句口頭禪: 新官上任三把火。

他新官上任三鞠躬,第一向新屆理監事鞠躬、第二點城和卡城余氏宗長宗親們鞠躬、 第三向在座點城各社團首長、代表、馬氏謝氏世表好友等鞠躬,每一鞠躬他都提出新希望, 並代表新屆理監事熱烈歡迎各位宗親、嘉賓世表朋友和卡城宗親出席宴會。


宴會期間點城小海鷗幼兒舞蹈團演出活潑可愛的歌舞, 還有著名卡城余樹人魔術大師的精湛神奇表演,引起一陣陣掌聲。 會上自嚴元老主持頒發獎學金,余愛蘭、余志力、余婷婷、余澤偉、余尉霖和余耀恆六位子侄成績優秀獲頒獎學金。

全體新屆理監事向來宗敬酒,余林晃監事長致謝詞; 最後由副理事長余金桃、余景秋、立榮等主持六十份幸運抽獎,最後一頭大燒猪大獎由光華報社中獎。 宴會延至晚上九時半,大家盡興而歸。



(吉隆坡)來自麻坡的余瑞時當選為馬來西亞余氏總會總會長。 總秘書余開雲及理事等多人也在早前的大會上蟬聯。


余開雲在大會上說,由於余氏總會成立多年,諸多會員後因遷移新居, 致使余氏總會依當年會員宗親入會時填寫地址發出通知書被退回,與總會失去聯絡, 為了重整會員通訊錄,他冀望大馬各地宗親長老,若因搬遷新址或多年未收到信件之宗親,請通過手機短訊 012-6399083 或電郵址 將新址發予總會。 若有電郵址者亦請一併附上,今後通過電郵聯絡訊息,將會更快捷。

他表示,為了加強世界余氏宗親的聯繫與親情、瞭解世界各地余氏宗親的活動實況, 世界余氏宗親總會設有網站, 大馬宗親可上網頁觀看。

另外,余氏總會將於 6 月 20 日假麻坡召開理事會, 余開雲吁請所有新屆理事屆時撥冗出席參加,共商會務之發展。


總會長: 余瑞時
副會長: 余端民
總秘書: 余開雲
副秘書: 余國豐
財政: 余寶春
理事: 余禮和(彭亨)、余福全(彭亨)、余奉民(雪隆)、余麟權(麻甲)
查帳: 余桂蓮(雪隆)、余金新(雪隆)




本校一直鼓勵同學「多元發展,建立自我」。 除了於校內舉辦各類型的聯課活動, 亦參與由不同機構舉辦的比賽,讓有潛質的同學大展所長。最近本校訂造了 四個獎盃櫃,分別放置於地下、一樓及四樓。 展示本校多年來榮獲的獎項,一同分享老師和同學努力的成果。




當晚氣氛熱鬧,還有卡拉 OK 助慶。 席間頒發堂員子弟成績優良獎學金和長者利是金。


大學: Cindy Yee
中學: Roger Yee
小學: Brandon Yee、Justin B. Yee、Ethan R. Yee、Ashley N. Yee、Johnathan K. Yee
外孫: Christian Eng、Andrew Mickleson、Amanda Mickleson。



今年的雙親節暨頒發獎學金已於七月十一日在蒙市翠亨村酒樓舉行, 這個甚有意義的活動,是一方面頌揚雙親的偉大,也鼓勵莘莘學子努力學習,為自己、 為家、為社會及國家作出貢獻。


紐英崙余風采堂夏日Lake Compounce 郊遊活動

七月十七日(星期六),紐英崙余風采堂舉辦零一零年郊遊活動。 雖然天氣預報這天將有雷雨,但整個活動期間天氣晴朗,令參加郊遊的宗親都能享受愉快的一天。


余風采堂選擇 Lake Compounce 舉辦郊遊活動已有多年,去年曾嘗試改在 New HampshireCanobie Lake Park,但宗 親們還是比較喜歡 Lake Compounce, 所以今年又舊地重遊。 雖然公所大樓今年初發生火災,沒有地方辦公,宗親們仍熱情不減,紛紛前往指定地點購票參加。

宗親們到達後聚集在一起拍集體相留念,然後分頭活動。 此處青山綠水,環境優美,有鳥語花香的寧静,亦有擦肩而過的擁擠。 設備則老少咸宜。

青少年都喜歡在湖邊游泳,或在水渠中漂流,亦可以享受從高塔上傾盆而下的水灑在身上的樂趣。 巨型千秋、摩天巨輪、過山車或是超大型的快速升降機都是一些有胆量的年輕人的最愛,惊叫聲和歡呼聲此起彼落。

年長者亦有適當的活動,除陪伴兒孫嬉戲外,乘坐登山纜車、環湖小火車、 遊湖小輪船都是比較平靜舒適的活動。 園內甚至有高爾夫球揮桿中獎的遊戲,超群總長是一位高爾夫球高手,揮桿贏取兩隻玩具大娃娃,樂得他的兩位孫子笑逐顏開。 宗親們當然也沒有錯過豐富多采的魔術表演,炎炎暑天坐在冷氣設備的表演廳內欣賞表演是一種特別的享受。



美國余風采總堂七月十八日(星期日)在金門公園 (S.F. COUNTYFAIR BUILDING) 內舉行宗親郊遊聯歡會。 余族宗親偕同眷屬親友共五百五十多人參加。






二埠余風采堂於七月十八日舉行今年夏季郊游聯歡活動,盡管氣温高達一百多度, 但一佰五十多位宗親、家屬、男女老少、兒童、親友均依時來到威林廉公園,參加每一年度的聯歡活動。

上午十一時左右,在本堂樹雄,汝晃正副主席,顧問及全體工作人員的努力下,完成佈置好現場。 正午時分,由本堂供應免費的午餐炒麵、炸雞、糕點、薯片等,又備有西瓜、飲水、果汁等。 在涼快的樹蔭下,人們享用午餐,互相交流言歡,說話家常。

同往年一樣,幸運歡樂抽獎於一時開始,今年的獎品是列年來最多,各式各樣, 幸運得獎者喜上眉梢,人人歡樂,忘卻了酷暑的侵襲。




積彩余風采堂於七月十八日(星期日)在雷德福,密西根州的 「Capital」 公園舉行一年一度的夏日野餐郊遊聯歡會,宗親們共聚一起,享受了夏日炎炎的好時光。

今年有一百三十多人參加,午餐大家一齊享用炸雞、比薩餅、玉米、雜菜、炒飯、 中式糕點、蛋糕和其他好食的東西。 個個都吃得津津有味。

本年度共有四十九名優秀的余氏子弟獲頒獎學金。 另外,郊游活動除了玩遊戲之外,還有禮物抽獎。 今年的抽獎禮物是由本堂及堂員捐贈的。



舍路余風采堂於二零一零年七月廿五日(星期日)上午十二時至下午二時。 在舍路活崙公園野餐區第三號灶爐舉行第五十六屆郊遊活動大會,同時頒發獎學金。



今年有六位余氏嘉賓從温哥華出席參加舍 路余風采堂郊遊大會,包括温哥華余風采堂主席余美湛伉儷、書記余栢寧伉儷、女兒余慧欣及友好黃盧少芬女士。

另外還有剛剛一個禮拜前從廣東新會市到達舍路的余文波先生一家人也來參加郊遊活動。 歡迎!歡迎!

舍路的中文書記余傑鋒先生及千金余嘉敏是今年的獎學金司儀,首先主席余汝深致歡迎詞、 他宣佈全美余風采堂第廿四屆懇親大會訂於二零一二年八月十一日至八月十四日舉行, 屆時敬請大家把握時間,踴躍報名參與。 詳情日後再宣佈。 温哥華余風采堂主席余美湛致詞、顧問余海量隨後致謝詞。




紐約余風采堂婦女組組長余葉慧儀與該堂會員余卓活,於 2010 年 7 月 31 日參與紐約八和會館敬老演出。 在中華公所大禮堂粤曲演唱會中,合唱名曲“鳳閣恩仇未了情”,贏來不少掌聲。 當日捧場者有紐約余風采堂主席余宏基及婦女组職員多人。 慧儀平日熱愛粤曲,正式操練粤曲只有數月,在名師指點下,日前在中華公所之演出,甚獲在座觀衆讚賞。


休斯頓余風采堂 2010 年度夏天聚會和獎學金宴會

休斯頓余風采堂於八月一日下午在宮殿保齡球俱樂部舉行 2010 年度夏天聚會。 大約五十多人參加這下午活動。 所有參加者有些玩保齡球,有些輕鬆交談。 每人有一個愉快的下午。

當天晚上,休斯頓余風采堂在 Papa B- B Q 舉行 2010 年度獎學金宴會。 堂主席、顧問、元老及各位族人近 100 多人出席場面熱鬧。 秉承一貫余氏家族強壮家庭價值觀和重視教育的傳統, 頒發獎學金是每年度聚會的重頭戲。 獎學金用於鼓勵我族青少年勤奮向學, 樹立好的社會榜樣, 為族人爭光。 我們的獎學金委員會由余秀娟女士所領導。 余秀娟女士介紹每位獎學金得獎者和他們的父母。 全場給所有獎得者熱烈鼓掌。 祝他們繼續為優異成績而努力! 以下是獎學金得獎者的名單頒獎之,

Name Age Sex Parents' Names

中英姓名 年齡 父母姓名

Hilary Woo 余淑德

Eugene/Nancy Woo          

Elizabeth Yee 余美華

Gene/Mary Yee

Kevin Yee 余健輝

Grace Yee

Tannon Yu 余德朗

Esmond Yu

Emma Yee 15
Richard/Debbie Yee

Theresa Yee 余穎欣

Grace Yee

Peter Yu 余建威

Richard/Judy Yu

Michelle Yee 余美心

Gene/Mary Yee

Michael Fan 范凱靜

Alice/Lawrence Fan

Michael Yu 余建豪

Richard/Judy Yu

Quinnon Yu 余均朗

Esmond Yu

大家享受豐富的晚餐: 甜茶、麵包、義大利沙拉和燒烤肉。 整個晚宴在輕鬆和愉快的氣氛下進行。

在過去幾年, 休斯頓余風采堂很多次讚助會員觀看休斯頓火箭隊球季首場比賽。 今年休斯頓火箭球季首場比賽將在十一月的首星期在豐田中心舉行。 姚明已經完全恢復過來了。 將會參加首場比賽。 希望大家到時侯能够到現場觀看。 期待在那裡看見你。




紐約余風采堂於八月十五日在該堂所的禮堂舉辦二零一零年度獎學金頒發典禮, 今年獲獎的余風采堂堂員子女共有九十九名,獲獎的小學生至大學生均成績優異。 其中獲獎者包括大學生十九名、高中生廿六名、初中生廿八名、小學生廿三名,中文學校學生則有三名。

余宏基為紐約余風采堂歷任主席裡的第一位美國土生華人,他鼓勵學生們繼續努力向學,貢獻社會。 今年選在自己的堂所舉辦頒發典禮,就是希望有機會讓學生們不但可以認識自己的堂所,並參與該堂活動,將來還能為紐約余風采堂 好好努力, 或成為余風采堂未來的接班人。



出席此次頒獎典禮包括美東總長余景新、副主席余典榮、顧問余應昌、顧問余鋼深、 名譽顧問余廣一、英文書記余美珍、中文書記余富國、婦女組組長余慧儀及余昭美等。



下一期的風采電子季刊將在二零一零年十二月中出版,報導頒發獎學金、中秋節和秋祭為主題。 歡迎大家投稿。稿件需在二零一零年十一月十五日前經電郵 (editor @ 或郵寄 ( 風采電子季刊, 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6A 1Z7) 到本刊編輯收。


In this Issue:

Message from the Editor

Reports from Yee Fung Toy Chapters

Next Issue

What is in the Next Issue?

Message from the Editor

Welcome to the 24th issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice, an electronic newsletter for the World Yee community. In this issue we are featuring summer activities from associations of the Yee Fung Toy around the world.

This issue covers some of the summer activities of the Yees around the world.

We welcome more Yee chapters to contribute events and activities reports from their locale.

We thank all those who have made contributions to this issue, including:

  • David M. Yee, Krystin Yee, Edward Yue and Rudy Yee of Phoenix
  • Edward Yee, Dick Yee, Ron Yee, Ray Yee and Allan Yee of Detroit
  • Frank Yee, Kennie Yee and Elaine Yee of New York
  • Frank Yu, Richard Yu of Houston
  • Fred Yee, Danny Yu of Seattle
  • Henry Yu and Melinda Yee of Sacramento
  • Ho Lee Yee and Winston Yee of Boston
  • Kai Yon Yee of Malaysia
  • Kenny Yee and Chao Yu of Southern California
  • Martin Yee, Shui Chi Yu, James Yu and Wing Yee of Vancouver
  • Richard Yue, Johnson Yee of Hong Kong
  • Wayne Yee of Ontario, Canada
  • Ying Hua Yu and Jerome Yu of Edmonton, Canada

We look forward to our seventh year of publication, and many more years to come!

Jim Yee, Vancouver

Southern California YFT Parents Day Celebration and Scholarship Awards

Southern California YFT celebrated parents day and scholarship awards on July 11th, 2010.

New York Yee Fong Toy Association Upcoming Events

July 4,11,18 & 25 - Sunday, 1-3 PM. Applications for this years scholarship will be accepted. Please bring original report cards for the whole school year to our hall.

July 17th, Saturday - Annual Picnic. This year we will be going to Blackbeard's Cave, Bayville, NJ. Meet buses in front of American Legion Building, 191 Canal St, between Mott and Mulberry St at 8:30AM. Buses will leave at 9AM sharp. Return buses leaves Blackbeard's Cave at 4:00 PM.

August 8, Sunday - The Association will be going to visit cemeteries again (秋祭)for this year. Please stop by for more information and sign up.

August 15 and 22, Sunday - 1PM; Scholarship awards will be given out at association's hall.

Frank Yee, New York

New York YFT 2010 Annual Picnic to Blackbeard's Cave

The New York Yee Fong Toy Association held its annual picnic on July 17, 2010 at Blackbeard’s Cave – Family Recreation Center in Bayville, NJ. As coordinator, the one factor beyond my control for a successful outing was the weather. The weather in June this year was extremely hot, humid and rainy. This has been truly a Year of the Tiger. Although the turnout was slightly reduced, we still had about 150 people willing to make the commitment to have a day of fun. I was grateful along with our faithful group that Ah Goong provided us with reasonable good weather for a July outing day.

Yao Wei
                  & family with Dian Rong & Frank

Everyone arrived promptly to board our three-chartered buses. Although Advisor Gong (鋼深) had a last minute family matter to take care of, I was lucky that Janet and David from our youth league step up to manage his bus. I was confident that with Janet and David, my partner Dian Rong (典榮) ,Yao Wei (耀威) and Jackie (靄瑜), we could handle any matter that may arise. As expected, we left and arrived on time without a hitch. After everyone got their wristbands and box lunches, we took some group pictures.

Then some scattered for fun while others found a cool spot to relax. As I walk around, I was glad to see some older folks playing MJ, parents participating with their children and some just sitting and chatting with each other. Although Blackbeard’s Cave was a smaller amusement park, it has something for all ages. For those willing to get wet, they enjoyed the water bumper boats equipped with water guns to shoot water at each other and catapulting water balloon at each other in water wars. For those willing to show their skills, they went to play on the 20-hole mini golf, wall climbing, archery, batting cage and many other activities at the video arcades.


For others, there were Euro-Bungee trampoline, 350-yard driving range and, best of all, the ¼ - mile Go-Carts track. On this track, one had to maneuver up bridges, tunnels and turn at the same time trying to out run your fellow Go-Cart drivers. This year, I enjoyed the time spent with Yao Wei and David as well as chatting with fellow members whom I often do not get chance to. I am also thankful that senior diehards like Kwong Yi (廣一) and his wife can come out each year to join us. What counted most was at the end of the day we all had fun in spite of the hot weather. On a side note, one person that I will miss at this outing is Advisor Hem Fook (顧問:珷樂) who recently passed away at the age of 93. Advisor Hem Fook was such an asset to our family association, always there to help out and offer leadership. May he rest in peace knowing the torch will stay lit.

Finally, I want to thank Tony of Blackbeard’s Cave for handling our needs for this event. I also want to thanks our Ma cousins who help distribute the box lunches and all those who help make this event a success. Hope to see you all next year.

Frank Yee, New York

2010 Detroit Yee Fung Toy Association Annual Picnic

The 2010 Detroit Yee Fung Toy Association Annual Picnic was held on July 18th at Capital Park in Redford, Michigan.

130 attendees enjoyed a luncheon of fried chicken, pizza, corn, mixed vegetables, fried rice, Chinese pastries, cake, and other goodies.

There were games for all and a presentation of scholarship money to 49 recipients.



In addition, door prize drawings were held for various prizes donated by the association members and the Detroit association.

Edward Yee, Detroit

Seattle Yee Fung Toy Family Association 56th Annual Picnic

The 2010 Seattle Yee Fung Toy Association’s annual picnic was held on July 25 at the Woodland Park picnic area #3. This was the 56th annual picnic for the Seattle Chapter. In addition to the plenty of good food, the program included the annual scholarship awards which include 23 recipients and the drawing of many cash and non-cash prizes.

The weather was very warm and sunny for the picnic. Special guests this year included Jim Yee (and spouse Betty Yee), President of the Vancouver Yee Fung Toy Association, Martin (and spouse Rosa Yee, daughter Annabelle Yee), Vancouver Chapter Secretary and friend Mrs. Amy Wong.

Attending the picnic also included Mr. Man Po Yu and family, arriving only a few days from Sun Wei, China. Ms Carmen Yu was responsible for the distribution of this year’s scholarships.

Seattle Chapter President De Shum Yee gave the welcome speech and announced that the Seattle Chapter will be hosting the U.S. National Yee Convention on August 11-14, 2012. He asked all Seattle Yee members to plan to attend this event. Jim Yee sent greetings from Vancouver and Fred Yee, Seattle Chapter Advisor offered the thank you speech.

The day ended with about 30 members attended an appreciation dinner at the Renton Seafood Restaurant. The Vancouver chapter visitors attended the dinner and said farewell for another great visit to Seattle.

Fred Yee, Seattle

New York's Kathy Yu Chinese Opera Singing Debut

The New York Yee Fong Toy Association Women’s League President Kathy (余慧儀) had her singing debut on July 31, 2010. She and our member Yee Chek W (余卓活) joined the New York Bard Wo Association (紐約八和會館) honoring seniors’ event to perform Chinese opera at the Chinese Community Benevolent Association (CCBA) auditorium.

They sang the popular Chinese song 〝鳳閣恩仇未了情〞. The event was a complete success. The place was filled to its capacity. Their performance received overwhelming applauses. President Frank (主席余宏基) and many Women’s League members also came to show their supports. Kathy has a passion for Chinese opera. She started her formal training from an acclaimed music master for just a few months. Her performance received a great deal of adulations from her audience.

Elaine Yee, New York

Houston YFT Annual Summer Party and Scholarship Awards

The Yee Fung Toy (YFT) Association of Houston annual summer party was held at Palace Bowling Lanes on afternoon August 1, 2010. More than 50+ people participated in the afternoon event. All participants enjoyed either bowling or the social conversation with each others. Everyone had a wonderful time.

Later that evening, the association held the scholarship awards at Papa B-B-Q. More than 104 people participated in the evening event. With our strong families and characteristic cultural emphasis on good education, the association is always delighted to highlight our annual gathering occasion with scholarship awards to our youths to encourage them to set good examples and to continue their excellence in their every endeavor. Our Scholarship Committee was led by long-time Chairwoman Ms. Vickie Ong. As listed below, Ms. Vickie Ong introduced the awardees of 2009-2010 at their respective levels of educational accomplishments, with acknowledgements as well of their rightfully proud parents. Good luck next year to all the youth members! Continue striving for excellence!

Name Age Sex Parents' Names

中英姓名 年齡 父母姓名

Hilary Woo 余淑德

Eugene/Nancy Woo          

Elizabeth Yee 余美華

Gene/Mary Yee

Kevin Yee 余健輝

Grace Yee

Tannon Yu 余德朗

Esmond Yu

Emma Yee 15
Richard/Debbie Yee

Theresa Yee 余穎欣

Grace Yee

Peter Yu 余建威

Richard/Judy Yu

Michelle Yee 余美心

Gene/Mary Yee

Michael Fan 范凱靜

Alice/Lawrence Fan

Michael Yu 余建豪

Richard/Judy Yu

Quinnon Yu 余均朗

Esmond Yu

After the awards, dinner was served. Everyone enjoyed the sweet tea, bread, pasta salad, and the barbeque meats. The whole evening event was under relax and joyful atmosphere.

Go and enjoy a good summer and the rest of the year. Now that Yao Ming has fully recovered, we hope to see each other at the Houston Rockets season opener at the Toyota Center scheduled for the first week of November. The YFT of Houston supported this function many times in the past. We look forward to seeing you there.

Richard Yu, Houston

New York YFT 2010 Scholarship Award Ceremony

The New York Yee Fong Toy Family Association held its annual scholarship awards ceremony on August 15, 2010. Since 1958, the Moo Kai Education and Welfare Fund has been providing scholarship incentives to children of members who can show academic excellence. This year we had 99 scholarship award recipients. We had 23 elementary school, 28 junior high school, 23 high school and 18 college/university students with 30 credits and a B+ or better overall average for the 2009-2010 academic school year. In addition, we had four students qualifying for the special Five Tong Association 「五堂會」award. This special $500 award went to Jane Yee (余晶晶), a college student who had a 3.5 overall average or better and three high school seniors who had the top highest overall average along with an SAT score of 1700 or better. These high school seniors are Kenny Yu (余健明), Kyle Yee (余英勤) and Alex M. Yee (余嘉誠). We also had 3 students who received awards just for attending Chinese school.

Although the scholarship ceremony started at 1:00 PM with the traditional ancestral service, the rest of the ceremony was definitely different. This year, the ceremony was held at our family association’s hall. Also, this year the ceremony was held bilingual. Speaking first in Chinese then in English, President Frank (主席余宏基) welcomed everyone and introduced our Eastern Grand President Kenneth (美東總長余景新), Advisor Andy (顧問余應昌), Advisor Gong Sum(顧問余鋼深), VP Dian Rong (副主席余典榮), English Secretary May (美珍), Chinese Secretary Foo Quock (富國) and Advisor Kwong Yi (名譽顧問廣一). He then wanted to pay tribute to Advisor Hem Fook (顧問珷樂) who past away on July 12 at the age of 93. We observed for a moment of silence for Advisor 珷樂 who has dedicated over 40 years of service to our family association. Next, President Frank thanked the scholarship committee and all those, especially Women’s League Presidents Kathy and Elaine (婦女組組長余慧儀及余昭美) along with their staff, for working so hard to process all the applications.

Frank continued by congratulating all the students and their parents for a job well done and continued success. He also remarked that last year, the remaining memorial scholarship funds have been exhausted. He also echoed the message of previous years that the youth participation is important to our family association. However this year, it was all addressed in English to the audience. The bottom line is better communication might lead to more involvement by our youths in our Youth League. Eastern Grand President Kenneth then briefly addressed the audience followed by Advisor Andy who spoke bilingually about our scholarship program.

Due to space limitations, holding the scholarship ceremony at our hall was a challenge. However, the opportunity to get together as one big family was worth the inconvenience. The informal atmosphere made everyone felt more comfortable to chat and interact with each other. This event turned out to be a winner for everyone. Change is here.

Elaine Yee, New York

What is in the Next Issue?

Now that summer is over, it is Back to School for most students. The next issue of the Yee Fung Toy Global Village Voice will be published in mid December, featuring reports of scholarship awards and celebrations of the Moon (mid Autumn) festivals at Yee Fung Toy associations around the world. Please submit your articles to the Editor via email (editor @ or postal mail (The Editor, 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6A 1Z7) by November 15.