The Yee Fung Toy Society of Edmonton


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鼠年興,牛年壯,虎年猛,兔年強,龍年飛,蛇年祥,馬年奔,羊年放,猴年高, 雞年升,狗年旺,豬年發。十二生肖齊賀新年好!


Wishing you all a healthy, peaceful and joyful 2022

Ring in the New Year with firecrackers, confetti, champagne and happy New Year wishes! The New Year brings with it a fresh start, new opportunities and an exhilarating sense of rejuvenation.

We often make New Year’s resolutions in an attempt to improve ourselves and to be better towards others. As we celebrate the New Year, the Yee Fung Toy Society of Edmonton Board members wish everyone success, a healthy long life and a fresh new start. Happy New Year!

YFT Society of Edmonton

2018-2020 學年度的三年獲獎學金學生


2018-2020 Scholarship Awards

YFT Society of Edmonton



二○二二年九月十一日點問頓余風釆堂與風釆體育會聯合舉行中秋圓月大團聚派對。這次派對由理事長英華,體育會會長國基, 名譽主席林晃牽頭組織帶動,副理事長桂華、惠銘,理事世普、耀台、穗盈、翠明、玉珍、錫安、美梨、寶儀, 維健嬸等各位理事積極支援分工合作。

準備了大量的月餅,燒豬,東江鹽水雞和鮮橙,招待來自本會會員和社會各界耆英長者, 共計一百二十多人,另還有那些己退休行動不便前來團聚的元老顧問,我們派人上門送月餅送溫暖。


相熟的老朋友由於疫情少活動,很久沒見面了,今次又喜相聚,個個都熱情打招呼問候, 場面熱鬧,人聲鼎沸,那-邊婦女理事們分發食物忙得不亦樂乎。名譽主席林晃,英華理事長,國基會長、桂華、惠銘副理事長忙於招呼每位前來聚會的客人。



Edmonton Yee Mid Autumn Celebration

After more than two years of Covid-19 hiatus, we finally decided that we would organize a gathering. Mid Autumn Festival is traditionally a time for friends and family to gather together to celebrate, and we did just that. Instead of having over a hundred people gather in such a crowded space, we prepared the lunch box, fruit and a moon cake for each person to take out or to eat-in if they wish. The party was successful and friends and family were very happy to see each other again.

Jerome Yu, Edmonton

秋高氣爽心飄飄 耆英乘車去郊遊

秋高氣爽心飄飄,耆英乘車去郊遊, 風光無限田野路,心曠神怡樂悠悠。

點問頓余風釆堂與風采體育會於今年九月十七日組織坐巴士一天郊遊。此次由名譽主席林晃,體育會會長國基, 理事長英華和副理事長惠銘牽頭組織這次四十多人耆英長者活動。大巴士途經 Whitecourt (懷特考特)博彩賭埸,中午在 Whitecourt A&W#1338 速食店小休,吃個美味午餐,參觀「梅耶索普」公園的墮落四皇家騎警紀念場以及 Lac Ste. Anne 湖和-農家,晚上五點三十分回大家樂餐館食晚餐,全程天氣涼爽,耆英們談笑風生,興致勃勃,每到一地,下車拍攝 留影, 參加的耆英全程免費,最後以愉快豐盛晚餐, 給各人留下餘興未盡之感。


Edmonton Yee Bus Tour to Whitecourt

Next up was a short bus tour a week later to Whitecourt, a small town, where we visited the RCMP Memorial Park at Mayerthorpe, the Casino at Whitecourt and finally a Hutterite farm nearby on our return to Edmonton on Saturday, September 17th.

We concluded the day having dinner at the All Happy Family Chinese restaurant which was run by Ying Wah's old high school pal.

Of course, we got the special treatment with plenty of delicious food.

The last picture was from the Mid Autumn celebration where the lady, Pat Lee, on the left brought a message and a picture from Frank Yee's older brother Pun Yau from Hong Kong.

Jerome Yu, Edmonton


十月十二日全加總堂德強書記伉儷從卡加利駕車,千里迢迢來到點問頓探訪我點城余風采堂,點城余風采堂名譽主席林晃和理事長英華, 監事長國基與各位副理監事長等八人熱情歡迎德強書記伉儷的到訪。

書記伉儷參觀本堂所後,我們就到「大家樂好景海鮮酒家」設宴為德強書記伉儷洗塵。德強書記帶來總堂的關注和問侯,互相交流堂務活動。 本會理監事ほ仁很受感動,很受鼓舞,並一一向德強書記瞭解根洙總長、泳本副總、宏榮主席、美湛宗長、柏寧宗長、 金牌司儀金星、開儀宗長、 耀祥宗長、漢銳宗長、榮桑宗長等人的近況,並屬德強書記帶回我們對總堂各位宗長的親切問候。大家一齊合影留念。



YFT HQ Secretary Visit Edmonton YFT

Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada Secretary Victor Yu and his wife visited our Edmonton Yee Fung Toy Society on Wednesday, October 12th.

We greet them with a warm welcome. After their visited at the main hall, we went to the "All Happy Family Restaurant" for lunch.

Ying Hua Yu, Edmonton

 Past Events 昔日消息
Copyright  ©2004-2022 Yee Fung Toy Society of Edmonton. All rights reserved.
Last updated on 2022-10-13.