The Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada


The Society receives annual Scholarship Fund installments from associations such as the Five Tong Association in Hong Kong through the YFT in the USA. This money is distributed to chapters, proportional to the number of YFT of Canada members from each chapter.

加拿大余風采總堂是世界余氏宗親總會成員、 每年得蒙香港五堂會獎學基金和武溪教育福利獎學基金的資助,使到全加各分堂學業成績優異之余姓子弟, 獲得獎學金的恩惠,鼓勵青年人向上求學的精神,他們的成就乃是對社會的貢獻, 亦是余族的光榮!


Copyright ©2004-2015 Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada. All rights reserved. Information subject to change without notice. Last updated on 2015-12-17.