The Yee Fung Toy of Canada celebrates 120th Anniversary



余風采總堂於六月二十二日(星期六)舉行一百二十週年慶典,慶祝始祖余忠襄公寶誕暨春節聯歡活動,正午時分, 總堂總長余根洙、副總長余詠本、主席余宏榮、副主席余美湛,分堂主席余耀祥,副主席余佳卓, 遠度而來出席的嘉賓包括點問頓余風采堂監事長余英華、余國基理事長;雷城余風采堂余光遠主席; 美國余風采總堂的美西總長余國恩;西雅圖(舍路)余風采堂余紹江主席、余暢汶核數主任;馬氏世表包括馬清石元老、 加拿大馬氏宗親總會會長馬威廉世表;溫哥華馬氏宗親會理事長馬仲鵬;溫哥華謝氏宗親會主席謝莉莉及余氏宗親等齊 集風采禮堂。

余冠柏理事主持祭祖儀式,他首先請禮生余開儀、余柏寧上香奉燭,就位,然後請全體起立。 跟著請主祭總長余根洙、副總長余詠本、主席余宏榮、副主席余美湛、 分堂主席余耀祥、副主席余佳卓等就位,請全體嘉賓及宗親陪祭。 眾人虔誠向太始祖忠襄公余靖行三鞠躬禮,點問頓余風采堂監事長余英華宣讀祭文,總長余根洙、總堂主席余宏榮及分堂主席余耀祥獻金豬,副主席余美湛獻三牲, 副總長余詠本獻酒,副主席余佳卓獻菓品, 樓業主任余開儀進財寶,司儀余冠柏理事請全體向忠襄太祖像再行一鞠躬禮,然後請各位就座。

莊肅的祭典順利完成之後,跟着慶祝成立一百二十週年誌慶,慶祝始祖余忠襄公寶誕節目開始,余冠柏理事主持紀念典 禮儀式。



現特別鳴謝如下﹕總堂及分堂敬奉金豬全蹄,虔誠祭祖,共緬先賢艱辛創業之功德。以及鳴謝加拿大皇家銀行高級投資 顧問 Anthony Cheung、良友圖書公司、余風采堂理事會等等贊助當晚抽獎禮品。

晚上六時在華埠富大酒家舉行年度聯歡宴會,筵開二十席,場面熱鬧,氣氛愉快。 梁耀江姑丈擔任慶會司儀,宣佈晚會節目正式開始。 金鼓齊鳴,醒獅揚威,雙瑞獻福,技藝高超,馬氏體育會及劍風體育會的醒獅隊,成員包括余風采堂堂員余彥劼在臺上舞獅賀歲, 謹此致謝馬氏體育會及劍風體育會安排出席當日表演助慶。

總堂主席余宏榮致歡迎詞,向各位嘉賓的撥冗光臨表示熱烈歡迎及衷心的感謝!歡迎中領館僑處主任陳青傑及孫俊傑副 領事!歡迎遠度而來的嘉賓! 歡迎馬氏世表!歡迎謝氏世表!歡迎社會各界積極參與,祝大家幸福吉祥、身體健康、萬事勝意!生活愉快!


余風采堂總堂副主席余美湛致答謝詞,他代表總堂衷心感謝各位的蒞臨共聚, 感謝各界僑團致送花籃及豐厚賀儀,同時對盛情出席慶會的政要、僑團首長、嘉賓致以熱烈歡迎及衷心謝意。並期待繼續與大家有好往來, 共謀發展。

宴席間,余風采堂總長、主席、顧問、理事、世表、嘉賓及好友頻頻舉杯,相互敬酒,共慶年度聯歡晚宴,然後與會同 仁大合照。

席間除了溫哥華余風采堂舉行 2022-2023 年度獎學金頒獎典禮外,並有抽獎及文娛節目助慶,由梁耀江主持,高潮迭起。歌唱愛好者紛紛上台獻唱,美妙的粵 曲、流行的歌曲,十分動聽。


Celebrating the 120th Anniversary

The Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada's annual activity is returning in style with a celebration of its 120th anniversary, a celebration of the life and times of ancestor Yee Jing and the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver annual celebration banquet gals , on Saturday, June 22nd, 2024.

The ancestor ritual started at 12:00 noon in the YFT Society Hall on 226 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. where Grand President Kan Yu, Vice Grand President Wayne Yee, Chairman Bill Yee, Vice Chairman Jim Yee; Vancouver Yee Fung Toy Chairman Phillip Yu, Vice Chair George Yee and the Board of directors made offerings to our ancestor Yee Chung-sheung.

Out of town guests include San Francisco Yee Fung Toy Family USA Headquarter Western Grand President Kenny Q. Yee, Yee Fung Toy Family Association of Seattle's President Mr. Kevin Lee and auditor Warren Yee. Yee Fung Toy Society of Edmonton Board Supervisor Mr. Ying Hua Yu, Chairman Jerome Yu, Yee Fung Toy Society of Regina Chairman Mr. Gus Kwong Yee.

Local guests include Elder Fred Mah, President William Ma of the Mah Society of Canada; Fred Ma of Mah Benevolent Association of Vancouver; and Ms. Lily Der of the Tse Clansmen Association.

Albert Yu emceed the noon ceremony, various speakers gave their congratulatory speeches.

Our 120th Anniversary Ceremony concluded after Vice Chair Jim Yee gave his thank-you speech to attending guests We all enjoyed the lunch buffet immediately after the ceremony.

We like to thank the Yee Fung Toy Society of Canada and the Yee Fung Toy Society of Vancouver for donating the roasted pigs for the ancestor ceremony and dinner appetizers this year.

Around 6pm, guests start arriving at the Floata Seafood Restaurant for the evening reception. The stage was decorated with flower baskets from the Seattle Yee Fung Toy Family Association, the Mah Society of Canada, the Mah Benevolent Association of Vancouver and from the Tse Clansman Association.

The Vancouver YFT chapter annual scholarship award ceremony and prize draw was also held during the evening event. Lots of prizes were given away. Thanks to all the sponsors.

This anniversary celebration was a tremendous success! Thanks to the volunteers and YFT board members who helped to organize this annual event. Special thanks to our emcee Fred Leung for a job well done! Hope to see you all next year.

Photo courtesy of Fred Leung, Esther Yue, Kevin Lee, Warren Yee and Crystal Addison.

Martin Yee